
A Dream

Annie Spratt from Unsplash

I climbed a hill stretched with blood
to discover my namesake, as if
the ground should appear different the higher I went.
I said “no” to men whom I loved, and
screamed “no” to those I hated, but
it made no difference- any virtue
left me long, long ago.
I stood before nations filled with
malice upon me for my being me,
and I’ve since stopped crying “why”
a long, very long time ago now.
At times it does appear to me
that maybe I was not meant for such
a cold, dark world, where one does
their daily best oft times to just survive.
Somewhere, a word called justice exists-
I dream about it regularly in my sleep
but for now, I’m awake, and I am here,
and Master is calling me inside once more.



Jennifer Morrison

I am a whirlwind who changes daily, but I always have a pen in my hand!