Alp Astrology

3 min readDec 21, 2023


Revealing Fundamentals and Navigating towards a Brighter future

alp astrology

ALP Astrology’s purpose is to empower individuals by providing them with profound insights into their lives through the integration of traditional astrology and modern psychological understanding. We envision a world where every household has access to a skilled ALP astrologer, where astrology is consulted in an organized and structured manner, and where the wisdom of the Stars takes personal development to the next level.

Introduction To ALP Astrology

ALP is known as Akshaya Lagna Paddhati or Age Lagna Paddhati.

ALP Astrology offers you to delve deeply into wellspring of traditional astrological knowledge, enabling you to unlock the secrets of the cosmos and gain a deeper understanding of your inner self, life’s journey and the world that surrounds you.

Astrology typically comprises of many modern concepts and traditionally uses many effective tools and appropriate methodologies to arrive punctually at fulfilled predictions. Foremost among them in common is the DASA and BUKTHI based on the moon and the star it merely occupies.

All major predictions derived from this, but this does not do justice to LAGNA or ASCENDANT. Hence the specific need to produce predictive astrology more complete and more accurate by ascribing sufficient importance to the Lagna.

This modern concept is the brainchild of Dr.S.Pothuvudaimoorthy, Who has spent frequently of his time and effort on researching this concept and meritorious tuning it to satisfy the current requirement of a proper extrapolative system.

In the course of his independent research, the author has concluded at the precise speed the Lagna travels which is ONE year ONE month, and TEN days to navigate one Nakshatra Pada. It vicariously experiences TEN years to navigate one zodiac sign, so it comprehensively covers 120 years of life spans of a specific individual same as VIMSHOTTARI DASA.

Inventor Of ALP Astrology

Dr.S.Pothuvudaimoorthy is renowned as the mastermind behind the groundbreaking Akshaya Lagna Paddhati, a revolutionary approach to astrology that has left an indelible mark on the field. As the fourth generation in a lineage of esteemed astrologers, Dr. Pothuvudaimoorthy’s journey into the cosmos began over two decades ago.

With an insatiable thirst for knowledge and an unquenchable curiosity, he embarked on a lifelong quest to decipher the celestial mysteries that shape our lives. With unwavering determination, he pursued the noble goal of achieving a singular prediction for any given horoscope, irrespective of the astrologer’s background.

This pursuit of consistency gave birth to the innovative ‘Akshaya Lagna Paddhati’ method, affectionately known as ALP, which stands as a testament to his pioneering spirit in the realm of astrology.
What sets ALP apart is its remarkable simplicity. Dr. Pothuvudaimoorthy, with his profound understanding of the intricacies of astrology, has distilled its vastness into a set of principles that even novices can grasp and benefit from.

This method is a living testament to his prowess in astrology, a bridge that connects the esoteric art to the layperson’s comprehension. ALP has left an indelible mark on the world of astrological science, where the complex is made comprehensible, and the mystical is rendered tangible. It will forever remain an extraordinary contribution to the legacy of astrological knowledge, a gift from Dr. Pothuvudaimoorthy to those who seek cosmic enlightenment and a brighter path into the future.

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Step into the enchanting world of astrology, where the alignment of the stars holds the key to understanding one's destiny.