Alp Beck lives in New York City. She writes in all genres but prefers horror. Her essays have been featured in the NY Times and the NY Blade. She is a big fan of the short story format and believes "Only when you master the art of the short story, are you ready to tackle novels." Therefore, she will continue to practice until she gets it right. You can find her story, TO THINE SELF BE TRUE, in Hell's Grannies: Kickass Tales of the Crone, by Lafcadio Press, HEELS, in A New York State of Fright, by Hippocampus Press and DEADMALL, in the upcoming anthology, Hell's Malls by Lafcadio Press. She is hard at work on a series of stories, including EYEWITNESS and THE UNDERRIDE.

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Alp Beck

Alp Beck

Alp Beck lives in New York City. She writes in all genres but prefers horror. Her essays have been featured in the NY Times and the NY Blade.