Where do we Raise Capital to Start our Career?

Alpha Wealth Group
3 min readOct 22, 2021


How did Bill Gates raise money to start his own business?

If capital is your concern, read this thread to the end to find a good way to raise capital

The concern of many young people is how to raise initial capital?

The key question is where to start your business

But many are just talking about lack of money.

Based on extensive research, the basics of business in terms of prioritization consist of four items:

1-Market needs

2-management skills

3-Technical knowledge

4-Money and capital

Money is important in the end, but most people think factor 4 is the most important.

So it is very important that you do not start from priority 4 to start a business and do not see it as an obstacle.

4 important factors for financing:

1- What is the financial risk of the business?

2- How much money should you return? Is it worth it or not?

3- How much capital should we raise? (Do not be perfectionist)

4- What exactly do you want to do with this money?

If you have reviewed the previous 4 items, you can go for raising capital.

You must answer them beforehand.

Here are two ways to raise capital to start a business

1- Pre-sale of products and services

If you can get a few orders from people around you and your followers, you can start a business.

Many companies start this way.

It is enough to create high value and show this value to your audience.

If the customer has a sense of receiving this value and knows that you will meet his needs, he will definitely buy from you.

You can even give attractive offers to those who buy from you with great discounts and exclusive features

2- Selling business shares

Many people think of big business when it comes to #stocks.

But it is not. Small businesses can also sell their shares and attract an investor as a partner. To do this, you must learn to write a good business plan.

Bill Gates says I worked hard and showed my investment plan to 1,200 people.

900 people said no.

300 people were a little interested and 85 of them were willing to take a step and listen to my plan.

30 people reviewed the plan and Eventually 11 of them invested in my project.

Many things fail before they begin. Because the owner of that idea did not dare to present a business plan and idea.

If you have an idea in mind, write a business plan for it.

Share with at least 10 people. If you do not succeed, go to the next 10 people.

Thanks for reading

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