Prepress Preflight Checklist For Graphic Designers

Alpha BPO
5 min readMay 10, 2024

As a prepress graphic designer, creating flawless print designs requires a sharp eye for detail and a solid prepress preflight checklist. This step is essential for ensuring your files are ready for printing and set up for success. It empowers you to take control of the process, ensuring your work is of the highest quality.

Preflighting is more than just a technical process. It’s a confidence-building exercise that allows you to thoroughly examine your design, checking everything from fonts and images to color settings and file formats. The goal is to detect and fix any issues before they become bigger problems. This approach builds confidence in your work and ensures that you’re well-prepared for a smooth print run.

This article will detail the essential checklist items followed by experts in prepress services to ensure files are print-ready. By adhering to this comprehensive checklist, graphic designers can enhance the accuracy of their work and avoid common errors.

Let’s dive into the specifics of what makes for a successful prepress process.

Prepress Preflight Checklist: How To Get Your Designs Ready for Print

Preflighting isn’t just a box to check — it’s a critical part of a designer’s workflow. Unlike proofreading, which checks for spelling and grammar, pre-flighting focuses on technical issues that could impact print quality, like missing fonts or low-resolution images.

Using a checklist to identify and fix these issues before your files go to the printer can save time, money, and stress. Preflighting shows your commitment to high-quality work and helps create a smoother printing process, boosting your reputation for reliability. Doing this ensures your designs look their best and avoid surprises during printing.

Blueprint for Print Success

Creating a physical mock-up can help you spot errors that might be missed on screen. It’s an effective way to ensure a smooth printing process.

File Repair

File repair is a key step in the preflight checklist, where any issues with a file are corrected before sharing. It’s the prepress graphic designer’s responsibility to ensure there are no errors like missing fonts, broken links, or corrupted data. By addressing these issues early, you ensure a smoother process for others and avoid delays. Proper file repair makes files more reliable and ready for the next stage.

Proofreading Before Submitting

Proofreading is your final chance to catch errors in your print work. Even after the printer checks the job, mistakes can still happen. To avoid delays and reprints, thoroughly review your files and fix any issues before submitting them.

Aiming for Perfection

In print design, accuracy, and reliability are just as important as creativity. Striving for ‘First-Time Right Submissions’ saves time and money and builds your reputation for quality. It’s satisfying to know you’ve delivered excellent work, which can lead to more business, happier clients, and a stronger professional standing.

Common Design Problems to Avoid

Here’s a checklist of common issues that can derail your print project, along with how prepress printing services can help prevent them:

Avoiding Font Problems in Print

Font issues can ruin the entire printing process. If you don’t include the correct font files, the printer might substitute them with something generic like Courier, which can mess up your layout. To prevent this, always include the exact fonts used in your design when sending files to the printer.

Make Sure Nothing’s Missing

Missing linked graphics can cause major delays in your print job. Double-check that you’ve included all necessary images, illustrations, and graphics in your file submission. This simple step can save you time, money, and stress during printing.

Keep Your Colors Consistent

Spot colors should match what’s in your print quote. Spot colors are specific inks used instead of or alongside CMYK. Using the wrong spot colors could require extra printing plates, leading to higher costs and delays. To avoid these issues, stick to the specified colors.

Convert Colors for Print

To ensure your files are print-ready, convert all color scans from RGB to CMYK, the standard color model for commercial printing. Be careful during this conversion, as it can sometimes lead to unexpected color shifts. This step is crucial for ensuring your prints look as intended.

Keep It Clear

Always check that your images meet the right resolution for high-quality printing. Color and grayscale images should be at least 300 DPI, while bitmap and line-art images should be at least 600 DPI at their final size. This ensures your prints come out sharp without any blurring.

Prepare for Trimming

Prepress for graphic design includes preparing files for print to ensure that any design elements reaching the edge of the page extend slightly beyond it. This is known as a ‘bleed,’ and it’s crucial for avoiding unwanted white edges after trimming. Also, margins for text and other important elements should be kept to prevent them from being cut off during the print process.

Getting Panel Sizes Right

To make brochures print-ready, consider how the panels will fold. Different-sized panels can ensure a smooth fold, while same-sized panels might lead to bunching or wrinkling. Plan your layout carefully to avoid these issues and keep your brochure neat.

Use Dummies for Clarity

Create a dummy (a physical mock-up) of your design with the correct folds and pagination. This allows everyone, including your printer, to understand what the final product should look like. It’s a key step for avoiding miscommunication and ensuring quality control.

Checking for Errors

Use a “laser proof,” a printed version of your design, to catch errors before full-scale production. This proof lets you check for positioning mistakes and other issues. Providing it to your printer helps verify your design, reducing the risk of text reflow and other print-related problems.

Following Postal Regulations

If you plan to mail your design, ensure it complies with postal regulations. To avoid issues, check with the postal service for guidelines on size, weight, and other requirements. Following these rules is crucial for smooth production and mailing.

Ensuring Accurate Colors

Use Pantone and four-color swatches to choose your color palette for print. Talk to your printer to align color expectations, reducing surprises during printing. This step helps ensure color accuracy and that your printed materials look as intended.

Using the Right Tools

Use professional-grade software for high-quality print results. Consumer software may lack the control needed for quality output, especially when dealing with CMYK color separations. Convert your files to PDF with high-quality settings to ensure your design stays intact and print-ready.

Keys to Flawless Print Projects

As a prepress graphic designer, preparing files for print is more than just hitting “save.” Diligently following the prepress checklist, as done by prepress service specialists, ensures that your files are impeccably prepared and print-ready, eliminating the need for costly reprints.

Remember, a meticulous prepress preflight checklist, combined with professional tools, is crucial for avoiding common errors and preventing unnecessary delays. By embracing these practices, you set the stage for flawless print projects that meet the highest standards of quality.



Alpha BPO

An IT professional based in the USA with more than ten years of experience in the IT industry.