How To Differentiate Between Ratnagiri And Devgad Mangoes

Alphonso Mangoes
3 min readApr 18, 2023


Everywhere in India, mango lovers are looking forward to the mango season. Two popular varieties of mangoes that are highly sought after are Ratnagiri and Devgad mangoes. These mangoes, known for their unique flavor and sweetness, are often compared and debated among mango connoisseurs. But how do you differentiate between Ratnagiri and Devgad mangoes? In this article, we will explore the characteristics of these two mango varieties and discuss how you can tell them apart. We will also look at where you can buy Devgad hapus mango online, Ratnagiri mango online, and other mangoes, including Alphonso mango pulp, hapus online, and mango shop online.

Ratnagiri and Devgad are two regions in the Indian state of Maharashtra known for producing high-quality mangoes. Ratnagiri mangoes are known as Alphonso mangoes, while Devgad mangoes are commonly referred to as Devgad hapus mangoes. Both these varieties are known for their exceptional taste and aroma, making them highly popular among mango lovers.

Alphonso Mangoes

One of the key differences between Ratnagiri and Devgad mangoes lies in their geographical location. Ratnagiri is a district located on the western coast of Maharashtra, while Devgad is a small coastal town in the Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra. The unique climate and soil conditions in these regions contribute to the distinct flavors and characteristics of Ratnagiri and Devgad mangoes.

When it comes to appearance, Ratnagiri mangoes are generally larger in size compared to Devgad mangoes. Ratnagiri mangoes have a golden yellow color when ripe, with smooth and shiny skin. The skin of Ratnagiri mangoes is also relatively thinner compared to Devgad mangoes. On the other hand, Devgad mangoes are smaller in size and have slightly rougher skin with a dull yellow color when ripe.

Another significant difference between Ratnagiri and Devgad mangoes is their taste and aroma. Ratnagiri mangoes are known for their intensely sweet and rich flavor with a hint of tartness, making them a favorite among mango lovers. The aroma of Ratnagiri mangoes is also strong and distinct, with notes of floral and citrus undertones. On the other hand, Devgad mangoes are known for their unique and complex flavor profile, with a perfect balance of sweetness and tartness. The aroma of Devgad mangoes is also distinct, but it is often described as more subtle compared to Ratnagiri mangoes.

Alphonso Mangoes

In addition to taste and aroma, the texture of Ratnagiri and Devgad mangoes is another characteristic that sets them apart. Ratnagiri mangoes have a buttery, smooth texture with minimal fiber content. The flesh of Ratnagiri mangoes is also bright orange in color, indicating its high beta-carotene content. On the other hand, Devgad mangoes have a slightly firmer texture and more fiber content compared to Ratnagiri mangoes. The flesh of Devgad mangoes is also a lighter shade of orange.

One more factor that distinguishes Ratnagiri and Devgad mangoes is their availability and pricing. Ratnagiri mangoes are generally available in the market earlier in the mango season, around April and May, and are usually priced higher due to their popularity and demand. Devgad mangoes, on the other hand, are available later in the season, around May and June, and are relatively less expensive compared to Ratnagiri mangoes.



Alphonso Mangoes

Buy Alphonso mango online - 100% Authentic Devgad Ratnagiri alphonso mangoes. No Carbide, No chemical. Organic Ripening of Alphonso Mango.