American Legion Petaluma
Four Pillars Service (Series)


Pillar 1 — Taking Care of Veterans

Taking Care of Veterans

Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation is composed of programs, services and advocacy efforts that improve the lives of those who served, along with their families and dependents.

The Legion lobbies Congress for a well-funded, appropriately staffed VA that can handle benefits claims efficiently, quickly and accurately.

Locally, Legion volunteers work individually with veterans to help them navigate the complicated benefits application process. You can set up an appointment with the Petaluma Post 28 Veterans Service Office by calling (707) 347–9085 or sending an email to: requesting an appointment with our veterans Service Officer.
As the VA backlog continues, The American Legion is leading a national conversation about accountability to veterans and reforms aimed at veterans receiving timely appointments and the benefits they earned throughout their service.

The Legion conducts System Worth Saving visits to VA centers across the country. These monthly visits include a thorough assessment of the facility, and discussions with patients and staff at VA. This information is then compiled and published in a report.

The American Legion also works one-on-one with veterans to ensure they receive proper benefits. Accredited American Legion service officers are specially trained to provide expert assistance, free of charge, to veterans and their families.

The majority of service officer work involves claims for VA disability benefits, but these compassionate professionals also provide information, referrals and resources on education, employment and business, death benefits and other topics.

Go To for more information — Your VA benefits Simplified


The American Legion conducts, promotes and supports hundreds of veteran career events nationwide each year. Thousands of veterans land jobs because of these efforts.

The Legion helps place hundreds of other veterans in job-training programs every year. Working veteran-to-veteran with The American Legion Small Business Task Force, along with the Small Business Administration, Department of Labor, VA and corporate associates, the Legion helps veterans understand the federal contracting process and offers personal guidance for career-seeking veterans.


The American Legion was instrumental in the creation of the modern Post-9/11 GI Bill, providing veterans with education benefits that better meet today’s needs. Following its passage, the Legion has continued to fight for even more improvements to the benefit, making it more helpful to National Guardsmen, reservists and those pursuing online education.


Legionnaires collectively donate around 1 million hours of service a year at veterans health-care facilities, working through the VA Volunteer Services program. These volunteer hours save the federal government at least $18.5 million a year and connect Legionnaires with veteran patients and their families.

Author Bio: Bob Hockenberger is a member of the American Legion and Petaluma Post 28. He is the volunteer for the Web Site and Social Media Committee. Before his retirement he was a Web Master and trainer for WordPress, HTML, CSS, and Elearning.

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American Legion Petaluma Post 28

American Legion Post 28 — Petaluma California. Veterans Still Serving Veterans, Military, Children, Youth, Family, local community, California, and American