Adam Smith, a Great Economist and Philosopher

Abby Richmond
2 min readNov 17, 2017


Who is Adam Smith? Great question!

Born June 16, 1723, Adam Smith became one of the worlds most renown Economists and Philosophers. His passion was to innovate new ways to benefit the economy and help it grow.

Smith, having studied Social Philosophy at the University of Glasgow and Oxford University, wrote many books, however, the highlighted writes are The Theory of Moral Sentiments and An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.

You may have heard of the “Invisible Hand” idea. YES that was created by Adam Smith!

What even is the invisible hand??

The Invisible Hand theory is a sort of “market force” brings the supply and demand of goods in a free market to its equilibrium. This basically means that he, “suggested that if people were allowed to trade freely, self interested traders present in the market would compete with each other, leading markets towards the positive output with the help of an invisible hand.”

Who thinks of these things, right?

Smith argued that free individuals operating in a free economy, making decisions, primarily focused on their own self-interest, and take actions that result in benefiting society as a whole even though such beneficial results were not the specific focus or intent of those actions.

My “Call of Action” to YOU!

Stop waiting for opportunities to be placed in your hand. Sure, things like that may happen every now and again, but don’t waste your life waiting for something like that to happen.


You need to take initiative and recognize that your life is exactly, without a doubt what you make it.


