#AlsoNFT $alsonft Whitepaper V 1.0

Also NFT
22 min readAug 15, 2022


#AlsoNFT Whitepaper V 1.0




V. 1.0

Table Of content

1. Introduction

2. What is the AlsoNFT?

2.1.Market Situation / Problem

2.2.Mission And Vision

2.3.Solution: Creating Real Economic Value Behind NFTs


3.1.Utility Token Functions

3.2.Store of Value

3.3.Tokenization Profit Algorithm

3.4.Defi Solutions

3.5.Applications and Features

4. Why Blockchain?



4.3.Why Binanace Smart Chain (bep20)?

5. Token Sales

5.1.Token Technical Details

5.2. ICO

5.3.Unsold tokens / Token BURN

5.4.Token Allocation

5.5.Profit Distribution

5.6.Fundraising Goals (Soft CAP, Hard Cap)

5.7.KYC and Restrictions

6. Tokenomics

6.1.Token Sales/ICO

6.2.Token Price Increase Mechanisms

6.3.HODL Benefits

6.4.Reusable Token Economics

6.5.Redeemable NFTs


6.7.Additional Streams of Income

7. Roadmaps

7.1. AlsoNFT General Roadmap

7.2. AlsoNFT E-Commerce Metaverse Roadmap

7.3. Smart Contract Roadmap

8. Due Diligence

9. Legal Disclaimer

1. Introduction

We are building a unique NFT E-Commerce marketplace with a concept that each NFT is backed up by a real physical item, product, or service. A unique connection to the real-world economy through NFTs and Metaverse technology. We also are Introducing a marketplace with its own utility token ‘alsonft’ built to be operated within the variety of services and products the ecosystem of ‘AlsoNFT’ offers.

Using the dynamics of exponential growth for both economic sectors, we created a competitive and advantageous concept ‘AlsoNFT’. Development involves an innovative solution to bridge the gap between two economic sectors, blockchain and real world e-commerce. AlsoNFT believes that not only is there a necessity to introduce such use cases, but we also see huge potential in combining these two economic sectors together and bringing a valuable, usable and sustainable solution to both economic sectors.

The early stage of such an infrastructure combination gives our company an edge in terms of time and an edge in terms of market share. The availability of different products and actual use cases for our project and our token, justifies our vision to become leaders in the cryptocurrency market and gain a significant stake for investors and token holders.

2. What is the AlsoNFT?

2.1.Market Situation / Problem

Combining real world products and economics with block-chain innovations we have created a unique project, a unique ecosystem and a unique token: AlsoNFT.

With ongoing technology developments around the world, more and more people are seeking easily accessible services in all areas of their lives. The NFT and metaverse industry has nearly 0 links and NO mechanisms in place which connect them to the real world economy and it needs to be changed into the right direction.

There is 40 Billion $ NFT and Metaverse industry which has no real use cases, the NFT project has absolutely no link to the real world and in Q2 a Q3 of 2022 the NFTs sales on major marketplaces have fallen more than 95% which clearly states that we are heading into wrong direction. Therefore we are introducing our marketplace, a unique concept for this emerging problem in NFT and Metaverse space.

2.2. Mission and Vision

Our mission is to bring any product, item or service from real world economic industries to blockchain space and create a unique solution where both can interact freely and be beneficial to both economic sectors. We want more businesses and more people to start using crypto-currencies and NFTs for their needs in real life.

Our vision is to bring E-commerce experience to the block-chain and create a platform and a solution for such interaction. Adjusting innovations to global changes in order to build a completely new emerging infrastructure . Such direcion is a necessity for both economic sectors.

We truly believe we can sell any item, product or e-commerce service as NFT , which would increase exposure and sales for small or big business owners. As well as give the blockchain community real use cases, drive the global adoption and have profit generating strategies in place to have sustainable and constantly growing companies.

2.3. Solution: AlsoNFT

AlsoNFT is one of the finest solutions to bridge this gap and create real economic value behind NFTs. Merging both economic sectors and designing a sustainable ecosystem for our token users, for NFT users and for E-commerce around the world is our primary goal.

One of the most important aspects of our development is transparency and fairness. AlsoNFT provides full scope information on how the NFT project and its utility token works, also providing an insight into the allocation of funds. Our Aim is to work with the community in order to build a usable, sustainable and profitable company.

Our governance proposal is a way to ensure that token holders have the right to participate in decision making questions. The process of governance entails a voting system, token delegation, rewards system and participation rights within token development and within the AlsoNFT ecosystem.

Within our profit model, we are able to generate significant returns when our tokens and NFTs are being used, therefore a decision is made towards sharing part of these earnings with the community members, token holders and investors. Fair economics is a key strategy to gain trust, value and global usability for AlsoNFT.


Our developments and applications within AlsoNFT ecosystem and the use of our native token and the double-ownership NFTs , creates exemplary strategies for token use cases globally. In addition, block-chain mechanisms designed by AlsoNFT are sustainable, scalable and profitable.

AlsoNFT utility tokens are designed to have multiple use cases within blockchain and within AlsoNFT ecosystem. Services and products under AlsoNFT have real life value and such approach can become a great long-term tool for a global adoption in using crypto-currencies and in using NFTs on a daily basis.

3.1.Utility Token Features

A core-use case for such digital assets is speculative investment. Market trading is a significant part of any crypto-currency and trading AlsoNFT on a public market is part of token economics. The possibility of buying and selling tokens on decentralised and centralised exchanges enables our utility tokens to be a tradable asset.

AlsoNFT has functions of the Binance Smart Chain (bep20) utility token. Tokens can be used as access keys to AlsoNFT’s block-chain applications, services and products. It can be used to access and interact with all the spectrum of our platform, empowering user participation and synthesising the community.

Our utility token gives access to our AlsoNFT platform and its services and products, but it does not provide token holders with company shares nor equity. With a combination of products that allows transactions and utilisation of tokens to happen between users and service providers directly, we participate therefore as a connecting factor for these users and providers in order to avoid any classifications as a security token.

3.2.Store of Value

The general spectrum of crypto-currencies as value stores are gaining stake in the finance world, therefore AlsoNFT can be used as a store of value, due to expansion of the blockchain applications, usability and trading features that our ecosystem offers. Approach of creating real economic value can gain significant share in the market as an outcome of increased volume and usability of crypto-currencies in general in the next decade.

3.3.Tokenization Profit Algorithm

Our token distribution model entails re-usable token economics. AlsoNFT token and some of the NFTs can be reused multiple times after the service or product has been obtained. Within our ‘Tokenization Profit Algorithm’ we created a link where our token can be used on block-chain and in real life, allowing our platform to reimburse tokens and NFTs back to our ecosystem, therefore allowing us to re-use them again for re-selling on the open market or directly use them in real world economic sector in order to obtain benefits for the company, investors and e-commerce owners.

When successfully created and stored, a token can be used for future purchases made by the customer and then re-used by AlsoNFT to constantly increase liquidity and collateral, same applies for redeemable NFTs which in some cases can be re-used various times. These tokens and NFTs can later also be used to reward loyal and early users or resell them on the public market under market price in order to increase the community driven profit model.

3.4.DEFI Solution

Users who want to earn interest and yield on their AlsoNFT token holdings can have options to use DEFI solutions such as liquidity pool and farming, lending and borrowing within decentralised finance platforms. These protocols are designed to be flexible and users can withdraw funds anytime. No locked periods will be offered. Interest rates depend on the utilisation of the pool and collateral provided by the user.

Due to liquidation systems in place when volatility is high and due to loans being over collateralized, there is small risk of failing these DEFI protocols and mechanisms.

The supply and demand factor plays a strategic role when holders of AlsoNFT start using these finance mechanisms. Growth in the crypto-currency DEFI sector and our constant adoption is one of the key factors for successful DEFI operation with AlsoNFT.

In addition, limited supply and limited staking is designed to provide maximum fairness and equality between rewards and interest distributed to the token holders, and maximise their returns with re-usable token economics. In order to protect the actual users who use our services, these limitations will take place to have sustainability, fairness and scalability options on each milestone in our roadmap.

3.5. Applications and Features

A variety of utility applications and features will be launched with AlsoNFT in order to build a suitable, scalable and profitable ecosystem for our utility token, for the NFT E-commerce marketplace, for the metaverse, for the community and for its users.

#AlsoNFT (E-Commerce Marketplace)

A connecting link between real world e-commerce and emerging NFT & Metaverse industry is where AlsoNFt stands today. We introduce a double ownership concept where each NFT is backed up by a physical item, service or e-commerce product. This allows us to create a new economic model between digital and real world, bringing constant growth and potential to generate income within both economic worlds.

#AlsoNFT E-Commerce Metaverse Marketplace

Information and project details will be available publicly in Whitepaper V 2.0.


Cross-chain integration and atomic swap option allows us to integrate our token into blockchain markets, therefore allowing AlsoNFT to interact with any crypto-currency available on market, and therefore making the AlsoPay wallet and payments available to all crypto users around the world.

AlsoPay is a mobile app for NFT and token payments, transfers, and an online web extension wallet at the same time for our utility token AlsoNFT and for Redeemable NFT payments within AlsoPay mobile application.

NFC technology within the AlsoPay mobile app allows direct integrations with NFT redeeming processes. Such innovations with Visa and Mastercard payments with NFTs will be researched by AlsoNFt to find the best suitable approach when developing such complex payment systems.

#Redeemable NFTs (NFTs as a voucher system )

Our double ownership concept allows NFT holders to redeem their NFT attributes like items, art pieces, services, and e-commerce products when they want in a quick and efficient way, similar to modern e-commerce options available globally.

#Soulbound NFTs & NTTs

Introducing NTTs (Non-transferable fungible tokens) and SoulBound NFTs will generate more usability in real-world use cases, therefore such a mechanism will attract retail users as well as business or product owners on a global scale. Use cases similar to e-commerce products, events & travel tickets, car or property keys, IDs will be a part of the AlsoNFT e-commerce model linked directly to the ‘AlsoNFT’ utility token. Such incentive will drive more uses to the NFT market in general, as well as allow us to increase collateral with profits generated within the AlsoNFT e-commerce model. We expect our NFT e-commerce model to grow constantly due to market growth and demand for such usability.

#Reusable tokenomics

Another beneficial use of reusable tokenomics is that part of circulating tokens can be rewarded to new onboarding investors and business owners to scale and drive global adoption of the NFT e-commerce model presented by AlsoNFT.

#AlsoFUND (Crypto savings/earnings platform and treasury fund for AlsoNFT)

Earning platform — a soft staking platform within our ecosystem that will allow users not only to stake and earn interest on AlsoNFT tokens but also to deposit currencies like BNB,, ETH, DOT, LINK, BAT, ONE, IRIS, ATOM to stake with us and earn up to 14% depending on the crypto-currency and their current staking options outside AlsoNFT. Our intent here is to secure a reasonable % for our users and gain partnership interest as our profit generation model entails. By staking AlsoNFT tokens, few partnership tokens will be unlocked to farm apart from gaining interest on AlsoNFT tokens, similar to crypto launchpads. (which is another income stream we can add along the development)

Corporate crypto savings (treasury Fund for AlsoNFT) — as stated in our ‘ICO fund allocation’ graph, 10% of funds will be held in AlsoFUND (crypto savings in BTC, ETH and BNB) as a store of value, in cold wallets with no staking or yield earnings on these corporate crypto savings, which will held for the long term and used only in necessity to boost the companies growth or to boost token liquidity and maintain sustainable token price when crypto market is not very stable.

An extra reserve savings fund will be created additionally from the profits of the company in order to have capital for unexpected operations and possible developments.These funds will be held in EUR, USD, GBP, BTC, ETH, and BNB

4.Why Blockchain?

4.1. Technology

The technology and power of the asset mechanism behind block-chain is evolving, getting more powerful and exciting than ever. We at AlsoNFT are absolutely sure that adoption of blockchain technology in every industry will happen. We want to create a unique link, and show the world that both economic sectors can coexist with each other in a beneficial way.

The technology of fast and easy payments is essential for every industry. Automation mechanisms of blockchain such as DAO allow us to create and manage processes within AlsoNFT with the highest security, efficiency and profitability. Verification of transactions by block-chain allows us to send, receive, verify and store payments faster and in a decentralised way with no intermediaries. Applying such innovations when creating an NFT, Metaverse and E-commerce business model allows to general several new income streams for the company, for the token holders and for the businesses outside the crypto world.

The use of blockchain validation within smart contracts allows us to create a secure and verified communication and payment channel within AlsoNFT and generate an innovative mechanism for redeemable NFTs with mobile application as well as integrate such complex payments within conventional bank cards with Visa and Mastercard.

All the details of transactions and data are securely stored on the block-chain record system. Data storage, security, and registry systems will be built under available block-chain solutions. The available data solutions and verification options within block-chain are more cost-effective, more accurate and more efficient than mechanisms used by conventional software developments right now.

Monitoring digital identities is also part of block-chain technology. Protocols used to monitor digital identities on block-chain are an option for AlsoNFT to ensure transparency of money flow, anti laundering precautions, and payment authentications.

Additionally, monitoring the terms of smart contracts, block-chain offers comprehensive financial security. Chain of supply and management via block-chain technological innovations allows to secure these channels to make them reliable, safe and unbreakable. Such real-life block-chain technology applications exclude banks from participating in this chain, allowing AlsoNFT to avoid the possibility of delays, suppression or any other outside factor.


Adopting asset technologies within the means of our ecosystem allows us to run a remote, scalable and profitable project. Moreover, the benefits of alternative currency use and global adoption of blockchain related applications provides an opportunity to create a whole ecosystem behind the AlsoNFT and become one of the leaders in the blockchain industry. We introduce an NFT economic e-commerce model, where profits will be used to boost collateral of AlsoNFT tokens, and maintain a steady growth within the company. Demand for real economic use will boost our exposure, therefore we aim to stand strong within the NFT marketplace industry by bringing real economic value to each NFT.

Investors and traders can potentially gain returns on AlsoNFT token in the short term as well as in a long-term period as well as constantly receiving profit and dividends from an actual e-commerce business model. We are introducing a double ownership e-commerce model where each NFT is backed up by a physical item, service or e-commerce product. This allows us to create a new economic model between digital and real world, bringing constant growth and potential to generate income within both economic worlds.

100% backed up NFTs and creation of our own crypto-currency as a valuable utility access method and payment solution for two economic sectors allows us to develop real economic use cases for NFTs, metaverse and our utility token. As well as drives the exposure of blockchain in general and pushes the global crypto adoption one step forward.

4.3.Why Binance Smart Chain (bep20) blockchain?

The decision to use Binance Smart Chain (bep20) protocol is based on several benefits such as energy consumption, speed of transactions and costs of transactions. And a very important factor that we take into consideration is the growth of the company, and Binance Smart Chain(bep20) and its smart contract (based on erc20 standards) allows us to expand our utility token into other block-chains like Ethereum, Avalanche, Solana, Atom and many more. Allowance of the creation of cross-chain solutions within Binance Smart Chain (bep20) protocol and creating links between BEP20, ERC20, Avax, SOL, Polygon (Matic) develops instant interaction with many more blockchains, therefore increases the overall usability and accessibility when it comes to using the AlsoNFT mobile app with integrated NFT payments, swap and staking functions.

Along with available cross-chain bridge technologies, innovations such as Atomic Swap available within the Binance Smart Chain allows the development of AlsoNFT to interact with nearly all crypto-currencies on decentralised markets. Therefore the ease of instant payments will scale the usability and accessibility for the project.

In addition,FIO address integration and similar solutions will be essential for global user connectivity and the easiest way to send and receive crypto-currencies between users and service/product providers.

We also want to move closer to becoming an eco-friendly project and offer a variety of innovations in order to avoid high energy consumption within our ecosystem, and to stimulate renewable eco-friendly projects and block-chain applications around the globe. We are in favour with Binance initiative to more ecologically friendly solution such as Adopting Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) framework, Quantitatively Use Far Less Energy to Validate and of course Using PoSA (Proof of Stake Authority) which is more eco-friendly and energy-efficient than other blockchain options available.

In addition to our smart contract, implementation of insurance protocols will take place. This will guarantee that solutions provided by DEFI space will be secure, audited and reliable.

5.Token Sales

5.1.Token Technical Details

Name: AlsoNFT E-Commerce Marketplace

Symbol: alsonft

Role of token : Utility, Payment solution, Governance, NFT, Metaverse

BEP20 Token Contract: 0x545fbca9599e6c4515354a1726ca0f078508e455

Total Supply: 100 000 000

Blockchain:Binance Smart Chain (BEP20) https://bscscan.com/

Token holders account by #AlsoNFT:


NFT E-Commerce account by #AlsoNFT:


Verify Smart Contract:


5.2.Proposed ICO and Public Fundraising

Webpage www.alsonft.co is a starting point for AlsoNFT token sales. Tokens are offered for 180 days, starting on August 15th, 2022 and ending on 15th February, 2023. The offering will be open to the global public, removing barriers for entry.


#Round 1 ALsoNFT token price 0.01$ (30 million tokens for sale)

#Round 2 ALsoNFT token price 0.05$ (30 million tokens for sale)

Conducting fund-raising for AlsoNFT tokens will allow us to sell minted tokens to the global public and create a community of users and holders around the project. Raising funds through Initial Coin Offering gives the company a strategic way to increase companies capital. With a total of 60% / 60,000,000 tokens allocated to public token sale, funds will be distributed according to graph ‘ICO fund allocation’.

The main advantage ICO offers to investors is their liquidity, with an opportunity to make substantial gains quickly. Moreover, providing a transparent and understandable overview for our regular users will establish credibility in the block-chain industry.

Payment methods with web 3.0 and wallet connect function, also crypto payments ETH, BNB, BTC and 10+ cryptocurrencies to pay via CryptoApi payment gateway and International bank transfers available(€, $, £, ₹, ₽). GooglePay, iOS Pay and additional digital wallet payment will be integrated during the project development.

5.3.Unsold Tokens / Token BURN

AlsoNFT has mechanisms in place to initiate a burning procedure of unsold tokens. A community and board member voting will be issued when such procedures are necessary. Nevertheless, our re-usable token economics allow us to operate a 100% crypto-business model with any supply that is circulating, supporting asset prices and maintaining a stable and sustainable market environment.

5.4.Token Allocation — total supply of tokens: 100,000,000 AlsoNFT

5.5.Profit Distribution

5.6.Fundraising Goal

SOFT CAP — $ 300,000

Reaching Soft Cap would allow AlsoNFT to initiate and proceed with development of the platform and its block-chain applications. A Soft Cap of $ 300,000 is sufficient to complete a project with a 100% execution rate. This means that the project can start a successful journey without investing an excessive amount of capital.

HARD CAP — $2,000,000

Hard Cap of $2,000,000 would allow AlsoNFT to complete the project development faster, create cutting-edge software applications , secure financial licences, improve security and become a leading block-chain company focused on the NFT and E-commerce solutions for two economic markets.

5.7.KYC and Restrictions

Restrictions around the world are emerging, therefore our goal is to keep track of new laws and restrictions that are being introduced. All relevant legal information is contained in the Token Purchase Terms and the Token Purchase Agreement documents on www.alsonft.co . AlsoNFT will take these rules into consideration, and will not provide ICO or any other token related sales to countries, individuals and entities which are prohibited from investment in crypto-currencies. You are not eligible to purchase any AlsoNFT tokens in the ICO if you are a citizen, resident (tax or otherwise) or green card holder of the USA, China, Singapore, Iran, North Korea or Syria or Russia.

In order to reconcile with regulations and laws around crypto-currencies with our concept of fairness and usability, we are already working on making the token into a publicly tradable asset. Several verification and identification procedures will take place during token sales. Procedures such as KYC will be incorporated in order to establish a good relationship with authorities, banking services and regulated crypto-currency exchanges after the ICO is concluded. After the conclusion of ICO, AlsoNFT will begin preparing a prospectus, register with SEC, and apply for regulated exchange listings to gain an edge in future work with these institutions and secure a sustainable asset for the block-chain industry.


6.1.Token Sales/ICO

As described in the section ‘Token sales’ on page 9, a significant part of AlsoNFT’s capital will be gathered via an initial coin offering. An easy and accessible way to crowd fund the project. Allocation of this capital is described on page 10 in the ‘Profit Distribution’ graph.

6.2.Token price increase mechanisms

Volume and usability will drive the token price up, therefore benefiting and providing gains to early token investors. AlsoNFT’s value will increase as token prices increase, therefore benefiting and gathering profits from token sales.

We expect demand to grow in the NFT and E-commerce related solutions, therefore utility token AlsoNFTl will grow in price as part of utility token mechanisms. In our case, using tokens and NFTs which are backed up with real-life services and products, the increase of the price of the token is inevitable. Another factor of price increase is the Binance Smart Chain block-chain growth and expansion. As the price of the native BNB token grows, so grows the overall stake and price of AlsoNFT.

6.3.HODL benefits

Gains from becoming early investors are potentially significant, as a price increase in token would guarantee a high return to early investors.

Also, long-term investors can reap gains from token price increase, gain inflation benefits , as well as benefit from the AlsoFund savings model. Token holders can also increase their rewards by staking certain NFTs to support the e-commerce side of the project.

6.4.Reusable Token Economics

Tokenization Profit Algorithm includes a strategy of no mining available regarding AsoNFT. USDT and DAI collateral tactics will be used to buy back tokens using a reusable token economic model. Our innovative combination of real world and block-chain mechanisms allows us to re-use our utility tokens which are already in circulation. It is a fantastic example of real world use case possible adoption globally and generating profit for token holders within one utility token, AsoNFT. The combination of both economies can earn extra % from every service and every product on the AlsoNFT ecosystem.

6.5.Redeemable NFTs

As a part of our solution, we are on-boarding businesses which want to sell their products as NFTs and enter the blockchain industry. After each successful purchase of NGFFt we are able to take a certain % for fee and charges. Having such an income stream which allies with real world use cases is a fantastic and solid ground for a working business model.

6.6.DEFI — Profit generated from DEFI mechanisms includes a percentage of transaction pools, which is generated by each transaction made with AsoNFT. Such yield farming will generate extra income as AlsoNFT also is a participant of liquidity providence. Finance mechanisms such as borrowing/lending options will earn interest rate on each transaction. Additional DEFI mechanisms will be introduced throughout development of AsoNFT’s ecosystem and redeemable NFT infrastructure.

6.7.Additional streams of income will be created upon development within the blockchain space, and streams of Metaverse related solutions will be introduced by AlsoNFT to participate in emerging markets of Metaverse and generate extra income for the company.

7. Roadmaps

7.1. AlsoNFT General Roadmap


7.2. AlsoNFT E-Commerce Metaverse Roadmap


7.3. Smart Contract Roadmap

Our smart contract can be found on Github: https://github.com/RobMalaga2030/alsoNFT

Smart Contract roadmap will be available in Whitepaper V 2.0 in order to gain value,security and growth possibilities as we intend to design the perfect smart contract code for AlsoNFT.

8.Due Diligence

Company Details and Contact

© Global Future Finance Limited, Sheung Wan, HONG KONG

7/F, MW Tower, 111 Bonham Strand

​@globalfutureff (telegram) www.globalfutureff.com

Date of registration: 23.10.2020

Registration Number: 2987525

CEO and Founder: Roberts Stanevics, +447895755872, +34 744625928,

Telegram @robzy2030

www.alsonft.co & www.alsonft.bit.cc


9.Legal Disclaimer

The purpose of this www.alsonft.co and www.alsonft.bit.cc and our services is to present Global Future Finance Limited (HongKong) , its solutions, its assistance, a business model and the ’AlsoNFT’ token to potential token holders and investors focused on the proposed ICO. The information set forth below may not be exhaustive and does not imply any elements of a contractual relationship. Its sole purpose is to provide relevant and reasonable information to potential token holders in order for them to determine whether to undertake a thorough analysis of the company with the intent of acquiring AlsoNFT tokens. All relevant legal information is contained in the Token Purchase Terms and the Token Purchase Agreement. This White Paper does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy a security in any jurisdiction in which it is unlawful to make such an offer or solicitation. The true nature of AlsoNFTis utility. Neither the Swiss FINMA nor the United States Securities and Exchange Commission nor any other foreign regulatory authority has approved an investment in the tokens.

No content of the website www.alsonft.co and www.alsonft.bit.cc and this whitepaper , NOR any link or document on this website are NOT a public offer of a security NOR any other financial instrument in relation with any company including the AlsoNFT team or any of its associated companies including. This whitepaper or the website or any other associated content does not constitute any advice to buy, sell, or any solicitation of any offer by the provider of the AlsoNFT tokens (the “token provider”) to purchase any AlsoNFT tokens nor shall it or any part of it. The fact of its presentation does not form the basis nor is to be relied upon in connection with any contract or investment decision.

The AlsoNFT’s tokens can be categorised as a security as it entitles token holders to receive the profits from staking and payments swap options. The token is, as such, subject to certain restrictions under US security laws. The AlsoNFT is compliant with these rules and restricts access for US-citizens, green-card holders and residents of the US to the category of “accredited investors’ ‘, pursuant to the US Security Act Regulation D Rule 506 (4). All relevant legal information is contained in the Token Purchase Terms and the Token Purchase Agreement.

In compliance US security laws, holding a token is strictly limited to three categories of investors: Investors who do not hold a US passport; are not in possession of a US Green-card; •have no residence in the United States, accredited investors under the US Securities Act, Regulation D, Rule 506, i.e. investors with a networth of more than $1m, excluding their primary residence, or with a net income of more than $200.000 (if married a combined income of $300.000),investors whose residency lies in Germany are limited to investments above 250.000€. SEC guidelines concerning Regulation D, Rule 506(c) demand that the ERCH Protocol undertakes „reasonable steps’’ to secure that investors meet the above mentioned criteria.

Any claim or legal conflict arising from the pre-sale, the token sale, this website www.alsonft.co and www.alsonft.bit.cc or the whitepaper or any associated material or link displayed related officially to AlsoNFT or information offered or given access through this whitepaper or any associated material shall be governed by the laws of Hong Kong and the courts of Hong Kong shall have the sole and exclusive jurisdiction.

To the maximum extent permitted by the applicable laws, regulations and rules, AlsoNFt and/or the token provider as operator of this whitepaper and webpage www.alsonft.co and www.alsonft.bit.cc shall not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential or other losses of any kind, contract or otherwise (including but not limited to loss of revenue, income or profits, and loss of use or data), arising out of or in connection with any acceptance of or reliance of the pre-sale, initial token sale or the whitepaper or any part thereof by you. The AlsoNFT token sale website www.alsonft.co or whitepaper, any part thereof and any copy thereof must not be taken or transmitted to any country where distribution or dissemination of the whitepaper is prohibited or restricted.

The sale and transfer of the AlsoNFTl tokens will be performed by AlsoNFT. The proceeds of sale of the AlsoNFTl tokens will be deployed to find the described cryptocurrency projects, businesses and operations. No person is bound to enter into any contract or binding legal commitment in relation to the sale and purchase of theAlsoNFT tokens. Any agreement between the token provider and yourself as a purchaser and in relation to any sale and purchase of AlsoNFT tokens (as referred to in the whitepaper or this website) is to be governed solely by a separate set of documents setting out the terms and conditions of such token purchase agreement and in token purchase terms document. In the event of any inconsistencies between the T&Cs and the content of this website or the whitepaper, the T&Cs shall prevail. You are not eligible to purchase any AlsoNFT tokens in the ICO (as referred to on this website or in the whitepaper) if you are a citizen, resident (tax or otherwise) or green card holder of the USA, China, Singapore, Iran, North Korea or Syria and Russia.



Also NFT

www.alsonft.co Creating Real Economic Value Behind NFTs,E-Commerce Marketplace. #alsonft $alsonft