alternate Me
7 min readFeb 7, 2018


This is part of the #ICOresearch series. Primarily, i am using the blog to collate all the data i can find about the upcoming ICO token which i am interested in.

So here we go.

Current stage (7 feb 2018): Presale until 31st Mar.

Main sale: Apr 2018


The world’s first predictions protocol, powered by Social Physics technology, and Blockchain infrastructure.

Brief Intro (Source: Endor coin telegram group):

Today, the power of predicting the future belongs to tech-giants only, who invest millions of dollars in growing internal data science teams and proprietary data for exponential revenues. Endor.coin democratizes predictive analytics by making artificial intelligence predictions accessible to all!

After years at MIT, Endor invented the “Google for predictive analytics”, providing automated accurate predictions to leading companies such as Walmart, Coca Cola, Mastercard, etc.

Now, powered by Blockchain and Social Physics proprietary technology, Endor introduces Endor.coin to further democratize predictive science for Individuals and the long tail of businesses. Endor.coin is the world’s first predictions protocol, enabling an ecosystem that provides automated, accurate, affordable predictions for Individuals and Businesses.

In 2017, Endor was named Technology Pioneer by the World Economic Forum, Cool vendor by Gartner, and The Google for predictive analytics by MIT.

Website: https://endor.com
Whitepaper: http://bit.ly/2nFgmzZ
Facebook: https://goo.gl/E4xSjg
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/endor-software-ltd
Twitter: https://twitter.com/endorscience
Medium blog: https://medium.com/@endorcoin
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/EndorCoin/
Telegram channel: https://t.me/endorcoin
Telegram group: https://t.me/EndorcoinGroup

News and Interviews:
What is Endor.coin: https://youtu.be/0otq5XGPgo4
Inventing the “Google” for predictive analytics (MIT): https://goo.gl/q7Yq3e
What is Social Physics: https://youtu.be/R97d18GXDuw
Endor product demo: https://youtu.be/ZhccdpZKQgs
Coca Cola & Endor: https://youtu.be/mJKO-8GXQRQ
Leumi Card & Endor: https://youtu.be/Q4YEHrA5Ypg

- World Economic Forum: Technology Pioneer 2017
- Gartner: Cool Vendor 2017
- Forbes: Worlds 7 most powerful data scientists
- Darpa: Winner of the network challange


Note: These questions are largely adopted from the outstanding community from www.icocheck.io. Strongly recommend to join them in their telegram group for discussion!

Source: https://github.com/ico-check/ico-check/issues/64

Where is your company registered?

  • Israel
  • Company was founded in 2014. Also, it raised a seed round funding in Sep 2014, according to a Techcrunch article.

Endor raised $5M in seed funding when it launched in September, 2014. That round was led by Marker with participation from Eric Schmidt’s firm, Innovation Endeavors. The company is based in Tel Aviv in Israel and currently has 10 employees. It is still in stealth, working with early customers and design partners on the product, and plans to launch officially at a later date still to be determined. — Techcrunch

Note to self:

a. Check if there is a plan in place to prevent seed round investors from ‘cashing out’ using ICO sale.

b. Did they always have in mind to use blockchain? If not, why switch to blockchain now?

Can i have details of any intellectual property which the company has created, registered or applied to register?

What is the vesting schedule for Team and Advisors token?

  • Token economy and terms will be published soon (caa 07 feb 2018)

Is vesting for Team and Advisors coded in the smart contract?

  • Smart contract details will be disclosed upon crowdsale (caa 07 feb 2018)

Is your smart contract deployed for the ICO?

  • Yes it, for Crowdsale

Was your smart contract audited by an independent cybersecurity company?

  • Yes. Openzeppelin.

Could i have a link to your GitHub repo?

  • It’s available on our website
  • Here is the link — https://github.com/EndorCoin
  • We exposed only the public section at thsi stage. More to come.

Do you have a working product available to test?

  • Yes. We are serving large retailers and banks already, now buidling the open protocol to further democratize predictive analytics.
  • 7 minutes demo at Finovate 2017 http://fast.wistia.net/embed/iframe/ierq28cnlp
  • One hour webinar to Mastercard customers https://vimeo.com/236557019
  • Our proven technology and product were awarded by the World Economic Forum and Gartner Cool vendor in 2017
  • Are you using a reputable 3rd party for KYC verification? How safe is it to upload my Identity Document on your site?
  • We are using a proprietary KYC system
  • We are ISO 27001 compliant (enabling us to work with large retaliers and banks)
  • We did an external APT with MedSec

Can US investors participate in the sale? If yes did you secure Reg-D?

  • This is still under legal evaluation. More details soon.

Where is my money going and what will it be used for? Is my money going to be used to “cash out” others?

  • All contributions will be used to develop the open protocol, create the eco system, and enable scale in democratizing predictive AI to Individuals and the long tail of businesses

What specific rights come with my investment?

  • EDR is a utility token, enabling to buy predictions

Are there financial statements? If so, are they audited, and by whom?

  • Yes. Endor has financial statements, audited by Ernst & Young

How, when, and at what cost can I sell my investment? For example, do I have a right to give the token or coin back to the company or to receive a refund? Can I resell the coin or token, and if so, are there any limitations on my ability to resell?

  • Liquidity for Endor’s EDR tokens is fundamental to the success of the Endor ecosystem. Data providers who contribute high quality data stream, as well as “catalysts” who help form valuable types of predictions — will need to be able to understand the tokens they are receiving, and will naturally want to exchange the tokens they received in order to fund their operations. We are working towards establishing this liquidity for the EDR tokens

If a digital wallet is involved, what happens if I lose the key? Will I still have access to my investment?

  • Your wallet is your responsibility

Has the offering been structured to comply with the securities laws and, if not, what implications will that have for the stability of the enterprise and the value of my contribution?

  • EDR is a utility token, enabling to buy predictions

What legal protections may or may not be available in the event of fraud, a hack, malware, or a downturn in business prospects? Who will be responsible for refunding my investment if something goes wrong?

  • We are using a proprietary KYC system
  • We are ISO 27001 compliant (enabling us to work with large retaliers and banks)
  • We did an external APT with MedSec


Our product today enables companies to have automoated accurate predictions based on their data and Endor’s Social Physics technology.

What we have today:

(1) Disruptive technology that is proven to enable predictive scale at better accuracy than any other alternative to the most sophisticated organizations (Intelligence orgs., leading retailers, leading banks, other)
(2) Productization of Social Physics technology — real product, serving real customers
(3) Team — the best AI brains out there
(4) Blockchain data that we are scrapping ourselves
(5) Predictions generated based on Blockchain trnasactional data — similar to the ‘Finnovate’ demo with Blockchain data and use cases
(6) Initial components of the Open Protocol
(7) Initial data partners over Blockchain

What we don’t have and need to build post ICO_over Blockchain:

(1) Eco system that will enable further democratization of our service over Blockchain:
A. Additional high quality data sources / providers
B. Additional engines connecting to the protocol, processing predictions
C. Growing community of EDR token hoders, buying predictions, sharing the cost of joint resources
(2) Productized Distributed Open Protocol for use at scale
(3) Productization and scale of service to Individuals
(4) Productized DIY capabilities for professionals and the long tail of companies (we act as service providers today, processing the questions for our customers, as showed in the demo)

In a nutshell — we’ve started the revolution for Companies, and “have” everything showed in the ‘Finovate’ demo (http://fast.wistia.net/embed/iframe/ierq28cnlp). We are going on Blockchain to enable further democratization of the service to individuals and the long tail of businesses. Everything mentioned in our roadmap (white paper, 19) will be developed during & post ICO. There is a way to go as the roadmap shows, which will be enabled by Blockchain, a Successful ICO, and our Social Physics technology


  • Team: All-star founders, All-star advisors. MIT backing. Heavy seed funding from reputable entities.
  • Idea: Infrastructure type token.
  • Market-Product Fit: Tested with Coca-cola and Mastercard.

The company is backed by leading investors [15], working with Fortune-500 companies such as Coca Cola [16], MasterCard [17], Walmart and others, successfully demonstrating its ability to automatically generate accurate predictions for a variety of use-cases.

  • Token Metrics: TBC


  • Is it a platform in which dApps can be built on? Ans from whitepaper:


From whitepaper: In this second phase Endor.coin will become a modular App platform on which Catalysts can expand the prediction domain through the power of Blockchain. To enable this Endor.coin is endowed by an open ended stream of micropayments to authors of reusable software components that can be perpetually combined and recombined to create an ever expanding library of useful, highly customizable query Apps.

From telegram: Using Blockchain. data-providers can donate data (stored on AWS) and accessible using the Endor.coin protocol. Extraction of behavioral clusters is done in a decentralized way by the various Prediction Engines. Queries are being triggered by end-users by requesting the Endor.coin smart contract to issue a certain prediction (for EDR fee). For each prediction the best behavioral cluster are chosen by the Endor.coin prediction code (can be freely accessible on the project’s GIT account [33]). Funds arbitration is being taken of by the smart contract among data contributors and prediction engines, according to the clusters chosen for that prediction. This arbitration optimizes quality of prediction, and unbiased results (whitepaper, pp. 8–9).

  • How do you reduce the volatility of the token since it will be for utility purposes?
  • Any measures to encourage the holding of the tokens? With reference to the para below taken from the whitepaper, are the presale investors largely from enterprises who are potential users?

Furthermore, token owners who believe they might require affordable access to predictions in the future would be incentivized to buy and hold EDR tokens, as expected increased usage will result in increased cost for prediction, driving token value up, rewarding prediction users, who purchased EDR tokens early on.

  • “To ensure the integrity of the process we are creating Endor.coin Trust, an independently managed entity that works in a synergistic relationship with Endor.coin to maximize the benefits, value creation and data security for members. As people sign up to Endor.coin their data is overseen by the trust and they automatically become trust members. The Endor.coin Trust represents its members in many ways to ensure and maximize the safety, security, privacy and value of their data. The Trust protects members data by setting and enforcing standards of personal data control, value realization and privacy.” ….Sounds like some consensus protocol. Explain?


Version 1: 07 Feb 2018

