Follow me, and I’ll follow you back!

1 min readFeb 16, 2022


Medium recently emailed, saying that anyone with under 100 followers would be stripped of their ability to earn money via the platform. To be honest, I’ve only ever earned a few cups of coffee from my work on this platform, but the idea that I may be denied a future revenue opportunity irked me. A popularity contest? Really, Medium?

So I started a few follow chains on my Facebook groups, and I joined others already in progress.

Then I took a good look around Medium.

Folks, we are a community of writers. Nearly every profile I find has at least one piece, often dozens. The myth of the “reader only” Medium member is determinably non-credible. We’re a bunch of word geeks, y’all.

So, let’s support each other. Let’s break the popularity contest. Let’s come out as the thesaurus-using, dictionary-checking wordsmiths that we are.

Follow me, and I’ll follow you.




Mediator, Writer, Human Rights Educator/Advocate, Public Speaker, Rebel, Intellectual, Nature Lover, Insatiable Learner.