Musings and Descents I

From Retail to Redemption

A Writer’s Journey Through the Pandemic
3 min readJul 29, 2023
Image: Midjourney, Benoit Desrosiers

I can still hear the ceaseless clatter of hangers and the monotonous hum of the checkout machine. I had to work at a retail job while my degrees were gathering dust. My name tag was my albatross, symbolizing unfulfilled potential and the gnawing discontent I was wrestling with. The monotony overwhelmed me like drowning in an interminable sea of sameness. My only lifeboat was writing.

The year 2020 brought an unexpected storm that disrupted everything. The quiet adversary, COVID-19, caused chaos worldwide, halting our daily lives and devastating our communities. Earth stood static, but the whirlwind of panic and uncertainty roared on. During this unprecedented upheaval, I perceived a spark of resilience. I realized that even when the system seemed to be falling apart around me, there was one thing I could control: my narrative.

Regardless, my job in the public sector, once the incarnation of Stability itself, became a battlefield. There was I, juggling a myriad of responsibilities, working day and night to keep society afloat. The relentless cycle of service during the day and enforcement of restrictions at night left me feeling drained, a mere shell of myself.

As the weeks blurred into months, I spiralled into a deep depression. Darkness enveloped my world, my window my only confidante. In this lonely state, I found myself hunched over on my couch, my thoughts bouncing off the silent walls. Then, I began questioning my career, values, and discontented dreams.

And in the middle of this abyss, I stumbled upon a lifeline: Medium. The platform was a beacon of hope, a diverse universe teeming with creativity, intellect, and stories. I saw wordsmiths from all walks of life, their passion and success illuminating my path, their words a salve for my soul. Their tales of significant earnings and unwavering belief in the power of the written word inspired me.

I felt trepidation and excitement as I plunged into this new pursuit. I decided to tread this unfamiliar trail, a pathway that might lead me to my dream of professional writing. The initial rejection by a journal editor stung but did not deter me. Instead, it fuelled my resolve, the recollection of successful authors on Medium serving as my guiding light.

They revealed that writing is not a destination but a transit, an endless learning experience. Every setback was an opportunity to learn, grow, and return stronger. I learned courage was not the absence of fear but the ability to move forward.

Reflecting on my adventure, I am amazed at how far I’ve come. From peddling lost soul to public servant during a pandemic and now on the brink of becoming an independent writer — it has been a rollercoaster ride. In all its disruptive might, this tragedy gave me a much-needed pause, a moment to look within and rediscover my appetite for writing.

In conclusion, my peregrinations have taught me that existing is about embracing change and seizing opportunities, however daunting they seem. In these moments of trial and ambiguity, we find our true calling. So here’s to welcoming the unknown, celebrating the odyssey, and living our dreams. After all, isn’t that what being human is all about?



AI enthusiast, technology explorer, and perpetual learner. I dive into AI's depths, surf digital waves, and share my findings in accessible, engaging ways.