Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer (ACE) certification — Best 2022 resources

Best resources to pass the GCP ACE exam in 1 month in 2022

4 min readFeb 24, 2022
Google cloud certified associate cloud engineer badge
Google Cloud associate cloud engineer badge

I’ll assume that you already know what the GCP ACE certification is about and share with you the resources that I used to pass it in january 2022 in 1 month.

It includes online courses, free / paid practice exams, cheat sheets for google cloud services, gcloud command line etc …

1. Online course

The best way to prepare for a certification is to join an online course. I personally used the “Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer” course from A Cloud Guru.

It’s a 19-hour long course that talk about the main services of GCP, contains almost all of the knowledge you need and includes a practice exam with 50 questions.

I think that a month is more than enough to go through the 19 hours of content even if you have a full-time job. Just pick the “Personal basic” monthly plan for 35 dollars.

Don’t forget to cancel the auto-renewal of your subscription in your account settings

A Cloud Guru — Monthly personal plan
A Cloud Guru — Monthly personal plan

2. Practice exams

The practice exam from A Cloud Guru is good but not enough to be fully prepared for the certification. I recommend you 2 resources:

Exam Topics (Free):

Pool of accurate questions that are very similar to the real exam. Don’t rely on the proposed answer by clicking “Reveal Solution”, instead go through the discussion, take the most highly voted comment and always do your own research.

Only the first 100 questions are free and it’s more than enough.

A question from Exam Topics
A question from Exam Topics

Whizlabs (free 25 questions):

I highly recommend Whizlabs’ practice exam because it has clear explanations for each question: you learn through reasoning not the answers blindly.

You have a free practice exam with 25 questions, give it a try and if you like the platform consider taking a monthly plan for 19 dollars.

The GCP ACE practice tests alone cost 19.95 dollars so it’s more interesting to take the monthly plan for 19 dollars especially if you want to pass another certification during that period.

A question from Whizlabs
A question from Whizlabs
Clear explanation from Whizlabs
Clear explanation

Don’t forget to cancel the auto-renewal of your subscription in your account settings > subscription

Cancel the auto-renewal of your Whizlabs subscription
Cancel the auto-renewal of your Whizlabs subscription

Aim for at least 85% correct answers before sitting for the exam.

3. Google Cloud Developer’s cheat sheet

Every product, feature and service in the Google Cloud family described in <=4 words by the Google Developer Relations Team.

Very useful to learn the main services of GCP rapidly.

Google Cloud Developer’s cheat sheet

4. Gcloud command line cheat sheet

You’ll come across at least 5 questions about gcloudcommand line during your exam so this cheat sheet will save your life:

gcloud command line cheat sheet
gcloud command line cheat sheet

5. Sketchnotes

Every product in the Google Cloud family described in the visual sketchnote format to grasp the capability of the tools quickly and easily.

It’s made and maintained by Priyanka Vergadia, lead developer advocate at Google.

It’s great if you’re a visual learner like me 😀.

Compute Engine sketchnote
Compute Engine sketchnote

6. “Cloud Bytes” YouTube playlist

It introduces the main 41 Google Cloud services in 2 minutes with great animations.

It’s a must-watch 👍🏻

BigQuery in a minute — “Cloud Bytes” YouTube playlist

