Why I Predict Big things from Aigang in 2018

John Richards
4 min readJan 20, 2018


Currently there is an amazing opportunity to buy into Aigang, a $24,000,000 market cap coin with massive potential in 2018. this article will explain why.

Aigang is a DAO Insurance protocol that aims to offer insurance contracts priced based on a combination of IoT sensors and prediction markets. As a demo, Aigang created an Android and iOS application for insuring phone batteries on the Ethereum testnet. They plan to expand into a vast array of products, and there are rumoured partnerships with companies in the IoT industry.

Aigang’s Mobile App Demo

The insurance industry is a giant industry, the US insurance industry’s net premiums written totalled $1.1 trillion in 2016. The IoT industry is one of the fastest growing new industries, and an exciting new area. As such, the potential for Aigang to grow in these areas is staggering.

With the ICO finishing on 15 December, and its first major exchange listing at Kucoin on 12th January 2018, its still early days for Aigang. The development team are hard at work and are reportedly on track for the Q1 beta release of the prediction markets. With the final product to be finished in Q1 2019. The team have confirmed that more exchange listings will be on their way in the near future.

Aigang’s road thus far has been a difficult one, joining Kucoin amid the Bitcoin crash/correction. The resulting $100 million drop in volume on the exchange from $235m to $130m has limited the growth thus far in Aigang. So luck has not been on their side. Because of this Aigang is extremely cheap and undervalued right now.

Aigang’s unfortunately joined its first Major exchange at the time of the Bitcoin crash/correction

Aigang’s community on Reddit has tripled to over 500 subscribers in recent weeks, and its telegram community has reached over 3k members. However it is still a relatively unknown token. It’s team choosing to focus hard developing the technology rather than shout loud about it on social media and Reddit, that being said Aigang are hiring new marketing employees so expect more of a presence from the project in the future.

The possibilities for use cases for Aigang are endless, the company have already discussed phone, car, drone and farming insurance, however I believe the potential use cases far exceed this.

The project has proven itself to be extremely capable technically, and have released beautiful demo products even at this early stage of the project, which is more than can be said for most tokens. I truly look forward to what they can make in the future.

Web Platform demo

Because of the reasons I’ve discussed, I see this as one of the most undervalued coins right now, and I believe it can grow exponentially this year. The market cap is tiny so there is enormous room for growth. Furthermore this isn’t a proof of work/stake token, so no more coins will be created to devalue your investment.

Aigang is a brilliant and daring solution to one of the biggest industries on earth. I see it being a top 100 coin in 2018 at the very least. Watch this space.

The Technical Information

Token name AIX
Token issuer Aigang Ltd.
Token type Ethereum ERC20
ICO Price 1 ETH = 2000 AIX

Circulating Supply 17,857,486 AIX

Total Supply 29,274,567 AIX (Total supply includes the locked tokens owned by the team, these will be unlocked at the end of 2018).

Market Cap: $24,921,728 USD (at current $1.40 price)


Phase 1 (Complete)

MVP development v1.0 Ethereum blockchain smart contracts are written to control policy issuance, risk assessment and claim processing. A user interface exists for the insuree to manage all insured devices. Smart device-tracking software use cases are developed for issuing claims automatically. Blockchain environment: Ethereum Testnet Status: This work is completed and Proof-of-Concept Apps can be downloaded from iOS and Android App Stores.

Phase 2 (Complete)

PoC development v2.0 Ethereum blockchain smart contracts are updated to deliver prediction market functionality. The user interface allows stakeholders to operate the prediction market, access data, manage their portfolio of insurances underwritten. Back-end infrastructure is created for off-chain data collection and calculation. Early stage discussions with IoT device manufacturers and data suppliers. Blockchain environment: Ethereum Testnet Status: This is work in progress and early alpha can be accessed at

Phase 3–2018 Q1

Beta version. Release for Prediction Markets platform. Opening beta version of Insurance Prediction Markets platform. Blockchain environment: Ethereum Testnet.

Phase 4–2018 Q3

Release v1.0. Data providers integrations. API development. Stable and functioning Prediction market. Blockchain environment: Ethereum Mainnet.

Phase 5–2018 Q4

Release v2.0. Machine learning, real-time pricing algorithm, analytical platform, tokenised Insurance risk pools

Phase 6–2019 Q1

Release v3.0. Insurance Investments OTC trading platform, Insurance products development SDK.

Phase 7–2019 Q2

Release v4.0. Fully autonomous Insurance DAO.


