How to use a CLI-Wallet (Sumokoin related)

5 min readSep 16, 2019


Webwallets, Mobilewallets (Android or IOS), Full-GUI-Wallets, Lite-GUI-Wallets … most crypto related projects offer many wallets to access ones coins. And even though some of them are very well coded and work in a decent way, there is only one pure way to access ones coins:

The good old CLI-Wallet.

While Webwallets and Mobilwallets have the advantage of mobile access to ones coins, they also have their downsides: You need to give your most valuable piece of informtion to a third party: your mnemonic seed. And even if you trust whoever is responsible for the wallet, you are not able to check the security of their infrastructure. And even if we set all paranoia aside, there are more advantages to the CLI-Wallet:

  1. It is the most stable and reliable wallet one can use
  2. It’s part of the binaries, the original scource-code of a cryptocurrency
  3. It works without giving away information to a third party
  4. It has all the implemented featues ready to use
  5. It’s a full node, so you support the currencie’s network while using it
  6. (Bonuspoint) It’s cool AF

As you can see, there are many good reasons to use the CLI-Wallet. So let’s start so show you, how it’s done:

Download the latest SUMOKOIN binaries from our official GitHub. Make sure, you choose the latest release (the one at the top). Check the “Assets” section and download the binaries for the OS you use (I use WIN 64, so I highlighted the one I download for this example).

Extract the zip-file you just downloaded into a folder of your choice (I made a dedicated folder named “Sumokoin”, located at C:\. After you are done, it should look like this:

Even though there a many different files, you only need to actively use two of them to manage your wallet: sumokoind (the daemon, the software that connects to the network and synchronises with the blockchain) and sumo-wallet-cli (the actual wallet to access your funds).

The first thing to do now, is do synchronise to the network. To do so, simply start the daemon by double-clicking sumokoind. A cmd-window will open instantly:

After a short time, the daemon will start to synchronise the blockchain to the latest block. If this is the first time you are using a full-node wallet, this may take a longer time, since the daemon needs to download the complete blockchain.

As soon as your dameon has finished synching to the latest block, you’ll get the following message: You are now synchronized with the network. You may now start sumo-wallet-cli.

Important: To actually store the blockchain, you have to type the command “save” and hit enter. If you don’t do this, the blockchain won’t be stored on your device and you’ll have to synchronise AGAIN!

Congrats! You are now synched with SUMOKOIN’s network. Now you can start sumo-wallet-cli (hint: do not close sumokoind as long as you want access your wallet!).

Start sumo-wallet-cli by double-clicking it. A new cmd-window will appear. It will look like this:

As you can see, there are two options now:

  1. You can open an existing wallet by typing it’s name
  2. You can create a new wallet, by typing a new wallet name

We will go with the second option now. The wallet’s name is AwesomeSumokoin. Since there is no wallet named “AwesomeSumokoin” on my device, the CLI will ask you, if you want to create a new wallet or not. Just type “y” and hit enter, to confirm.

The wallet will be created, the CLI will ask you to set a password. Type your password, hit enter, confirm your password and hit enter again. A new text will appear, asking you to specifiy the language of your seedwords. I always advice to choose “English”. To do so, type “1” and hit enter.

Congrats! Your new SUMOKOIN Wallet is created. The following messages will appear:

Let’s take some time to check them:

  1. This is the public address of your new wallet. You can use it to send funds to your new wallet.
  2. Those are the seedwords. Write them down and save them as good as you can. As you probably already know, you can use the seedwords to restore your wallet anytime. They are the most important piece of information. DO NOT LOOSE THEM! FYI: This was an test-wallet only. Feel free to resore an wallet with my seedwords from the screenshot, you won’t find any funds there though ;-)
  3. If you want to, you can mine with your deamon, to support SUMOKOIN’s network. In this example, I chose not to mine. So I typed “n”, and hit enter. The final wallet screen will appear, with an overview about your balance:

Note: You should save your wallet before you close the CLI-window with the save-command, just like you did with the deamon before.

FYI: Some further topics / information:

  1. You can restore an excisting wallet (with your seed words). We will cover a “how-to” about that later.
  2. You can type “help” and press enter, to get an overview about all the commands (for example the check, how to send coins from your CLI-Wallet to another address).

