Sumokoin - The Heavyweight in the Anonymity Ring

4 min readJul 29, 2019


In early 2018, a nice, short article about Sumokoin was published by Altcoin Today, an altcoin focused cryptocurrency blog. The title was:

Sumokoin: The New Heavyweight in the Anonymity Ring

Today, we chose to write a small summary about Sumokoin’s current project status . We were thinking about what title we could use. Well, Sumokoin is still a heavyweight in the anonymity ring. Sumokoin is just not new anymore. So here we go… Sumokoin - The Heavyweight in the Anonymity Ring!

New releases and features in 2019

Sumokoin Morioka

Sumokoin did two hardforks in April 2019. The hardforks were needed to implement drastic improfements to Sumokoin’s core:

  • Rebase Sumokoin to Monero v0.14.0.2 code base
  • Enable Bulletproof (v2) that allows a much smaller tx size at the same mixins (or ringsize)
  • Increase ringsize from 13 to 49 for absolute privacy
  • Move away from ASIC-friendly (Cryptonight classic) to ASIC-resistant Cryptonight-R

We decided not to use the huge decrease of Sumokoin’s blocksize (a result of the Bulletproof (v2) implementation) just to reduce fees and to save disc space. This would not go well with our dedicated ambition of offering the most possible privacy for all transactions on our blockchain. That is why we decided to increase Sumokoin’s ringsize. The amount of a new minimum ringsize was easily found: We wanted to reduce the blockweight / fees just a bit and still add a gamechanging number of mixins, to give our network an additional privacy boost. The result: a ringsize of 49 (!), the biggest ringsize among all cryptonote projects and still about a 50% reduction of blocksize (and fees). To get an overview about the blocksize, transactions fees and ringsize, please see the table below:

If you want to reread the influence of the minimum number of mixins to a CN based network’s privacy, please follow the link to the paper from Surae Noether, Sarang Noether and Adam Mackenzie: A Note on Chain Reactions in Traceability in CryptoNote 2.0

We also decided to change our POW in favour of CPU/GPU miners, so we moved from CN (classic) to CN-R. So far, we have a stable hashrate between 1.5MH and 2MH and are always on the top places of’s profitability ranking: Considering the stable hashrate and the good profitability, the change of Proof of Work was a huge success.

Sumokoin Morioka point release

On the 18. June 2019 we issued a new minor release (which was not a network hardfork, Morioka remains compatible). Even though Morioka is just a minor release, our dev team added many cool features:

  • Blockchain pruning (experimental, a pruned blockchain will be ca. 75% reduced in size which means SUMO’s blockchain will reduce from about 20gb to 4gb)
  • Comprehensive SSL support for daemon/CLI wallet
  • Deterministic (reproducible) builds.
  • Tor & I2P (CLI) wallet integration, for even more anonymity
  • Multisig Messaging System (MMS).
  • Further Bulletproofs verification optimizations.
  • JIT enabled, which drastically improves sync performance.
  • Many bug fixes and performance improvements

Sumokoin Morioka point release

On the 22. July 2019 we issued another new minor release (which was not a network hardfork, Morioka remains compatible). his is a minor point release to include several bug fixes and updates for:

  • Cross-compiling
  • Networking, p2p
  • Wallet cli/rpc

This is our latest release! We recommend our users to update asap. Links: Binaries GUI-Wallet

New markets / exchanges in 2019

After getting listed on major exchanges in 2018 (IndoDax, Exrates, Bitalong) we have been successful also in 2019. Sumokoin was recently listed on the following exchanges due to winning several community votings against other coins from all sorts of crypto background. It shows not only Sumokoin is very much alive among the community but also privacy cryptocurrency coins are getting noticed more and more. Better to choose a coin with a solid background which doesn’t throw the towel in the ring. Because as Sumo, we stand firm (and we sure need those towels elsewhere)!

Cryptobridge (which is a decentralized exchange!) (a ‘classical’, European based exchange)

QBTC (located in China) with SUMO/CNYT

We still try to get in contact with bigger / well known exchanges and we are confident to get Sumokoin into even more markets and other exposure within this year.

