Why Fireice_uk is a liar and Ryo is a scam, part one

5 min readDec 20, 2018


Many people witnessed the SUMO - RYO storm. There were many comments on social media about it. Twitter, Reddit, Telegram...
There is a very special comment, written by Fireice_uk himself. It is supposed to show proof of many accusations against me and team Sumo. Let’s see, which of those accusations have actually been proven. As mentioned by Fireice himself, DYOR - Do Your Own Research.

General manipulation techniques
'The firehose’. While showing random screenshots, to picture a manipulation technique that is used for Russian propaganda (as explained in the paper linked to this section of Fireice’s post), he rather seems to explain his very own strategy. Why you ask? Well, that is easy to see. Let’s look at the key points of 'the firehose’:

  1. High volume and multi-channel:

Fireice and his team use many different social media channels to spread their FUD about Sumo. One could name the 'famous' Reddit post I am referring to here. There also are several channels on Telegram (@bannedsumo or @fishchannel for example) which are exclusively used to spread his FUD and lies. Also, there are a few Twitter and Telegram accounts, which are most likely (we don’t present assumptions as facts here!) run by Fireice and / or his team (for example "Liz Burke" @sokakitankimo and @Sumo_Scam, the latter tweets the same exact message EVERY SINGLE DAY). High volume and multi-channel, you remember?

2. Rapid, continuous and repetitive

Just check his account(s) on twitter. Let’s just grab one very nice expample: @sumo_scam. It tweets the very same tweet EVERY SINGLE DAY. Same goes for @sokakitankimo: 'she' tweets 'blowing the lid off Sumokoin scam' every chance she gets. So does Fireice with his 'official' account too. See here for example: [1] [2]

3. Lacks commitment to objective reality

Just read 'blowing the lid of Sumokoin scam’. It is full of assumptions, but presents them as facts. He actually claims to have facts and proof, while he does nothing but add random screenshots to support his points. Can one prove a pump and dump with a screenshot of a coin’s chart? Can one prove a 'bribe' with some screenshots of tweets? Objective reality - you can’t find it in any of his posts/comments.

4. Lacks commitment to consistency

Just see point 3. And see the real story why he 'left' team sumo. I will write a new post about that in the future. It is just too much to cover in a small section here.

Stolen identity
There NEVER was a connection between the Haruto Tanno fireice talks about from the official Sumokoin team. There never was an official reference or link in any official post. There never was an account with the picture of this person. And they have no knowledge of Japanese names. There are very few Japanese surnames, about a few hundreds. Tanno is a rather common surname, and Haruto is even more common, this is pretty much the Japanese "John". There are several thousands of people who go with that name in Japan. Would you accuse someone of impersonating a person called "John Smith"? No, you would talk about a namesake... How can one speak about a stolen identity here?

Hidden premine
Just see the official comment from team Sumo on this topic here.

There is no honour among thieves
This is the ONLY section where fireice used the word 'presumably'. And he even talks about Justgr here. Nevertheless, there are many tweets [1] from his official account, where he claims to have PROOF FOR ME TO ACCEPT A BRIBE. It seems like this lacks both, commitment to objectivity and consistency. See again points 3 and 4 of "the firehose" please...

Let's print 30k blocks to unlock the premine!
Yes, Sumo suffered from attacks on the network. We tried to fight them off, using our private money. We even forked to prevent those attacks, in less than two weeks between the first attack and the fork (which had to be a few days later to allow exchanges and pools enough time to update the daemons) and had many nights without sleep back at that time. And what does fireice claim? That we attacked our own network? Where is the proof of this nonsensical statement? Screenshots of the blocks that got stolen? A screenshot from the block where the 2018 funds have been unlocked? See again point 3 and 4 of "the firehose" please.

What shall we do with the now-revealed 400k? Hide it!
We explained what we want to do with this funds here. Also: fireice got the key images from Vu as a sign of trust when he became part of team sumo. Now, all fireice does is to try to destroy sumo with all his might. Would YOU leave info about your project intern funds with such a person? I assume you would not. Please notice that our key images were NEVER public. Not even, when fireice was on the team. There is no reason for us to change this and even less of a reason for us to let a scammer / fudder have internal information about our funds.

Now we need to shift that premine. Let's pump and dump
The same strategy as in the foreword is used here again: A screenshot of our chart to 'prove' that we dumped our funds. Please note again: a chart is NOT A PROOF and those accusations are simply completely unfounded. Sumo's funds are used according to the team's promise: for future development and for maintenance of coin infrastructure (seednodes, websites/forum, tools etc.) and to make sure the coin won't be under-developed or abandoned like many others.

Not enough money? Let's print some more and adjust emission to hide it!
We did not print coins for ourselves and we did not hide anything. As explained earlier from team sumo, about 1 million sumo got stolen from Indodax. We helped our community to secure their funds by adding those additional coins. This was officially explained in our chat.

Got a bad rep? You can always change your name!
No more real points to make here? What is this section actually about? A user who changes his TG nick? I can only lol about that one...

What should one think about now? Why would Fireice and his team provide such a huge effort to destroy SUMO or to damage the project's reputation? Why would he risk his credibility and waste his time on us? Make up your own mind about that. For me, it is rather clear: he joined the team with the plan to take over the project in the first place. Looking back, many things he said/did could have been taken as hints for that. Unfortunately, we did not notice this back then. Anyway, his plan failed. And now he seeks two things:

  • Revenge for his failed plans
  • A base that justifies his so called 'UASF' and the damage he is responsible for (don't forget the huge loss our community and the team had to suffer, due to his huge FUD / lie campaign).

