Announcing the release of Altered State Machine Gen II Brains

Altered State Machine has officially launched the very first Gen II Brain Mining Cycle

Altered State Machine
3 min readAug 21, 2022

As the result of an interactive web3 staking event where holders of the $ASTO Token and ASTO Discovery Auction LP Tokens who have staked these assets on the ASM Cortex Platform can be the first in the world to participate a groundbreaking gamified web3 asset mining experience, ASMs first Mining Cycle is another crucial step in building the core Artificial Intelligence layer required for a successful Open Metaverse.

Gen II Brains (viewable on Opensea here) are an entry-level priced NFT asset which houses the patented Non Fungible IntelligenceTM protocol built by ASM. In a revolutionary lore driven approach to complex web3 experiences, participants in the Mining Cycle have been “charging” their ASTO on the ASM Cortex, generating “ASTO-Energy” which can be used to “mine” for the latest collection of AI NFTs, Gen II Brains. Each of these Brains are unique from their Genome Matrix (propensity to learn about specific skills written in the ASM protocol) and their design, depending on where on the “AIFA Moon” they were mined.

35,000 Gen II Brains are able to be mined in the first Mining Cycle, with another 130,000 Gen II Brains in total to be discovered (55,000 in Mining Cycle 2 and 75,000 in Mining Cycle 3) over the next four months.

Every ASM Brain can be owned, trained and traded and are primed for using in the announced upcoming ASM AI Metaverse games AIFA (the Artificial Intelligence Football Association) and Muhammad Ali — The Next Legends (in partnership with Authentic Brands Group and Non Fungible Labs).

Previous collections from ASM include:

  • Genesis Brains — the company’s first AI NFT asset and a premium asset giving holding benefits to early project backers.
  • AIFA All-Stars — a collection of 40,000 football characters, fast, fun, fully 3D rigged, all unique NFT Avatars ready to play in the upcoming Artificial Intelligence Football Association game being developed by ASM.
  • Genesis Boxes — a collection of 10,000 unique Genesis Boxes with one ASM Genesis Brain and four unique AIFA All-Stars in each box

For more information check out the Mining Cycle FAQs, Genome Mining FAQs and of course join the ASM Community on our Discord, Twitter and Instagram.

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About Altered State Machine

Altered State Machine (ASM) are leaders in the democratization of Artificial Intelligence, creating a world where the value of A.I. flows directly back to the community.

ASM’s revolutionary protocol allows everyone to own and utilize A.I. via NFT Brains, also known as Non-Fungible Intelligence™.

Non-Fungible Intelligence™ is interoperable across avatars, games, worlds and other web3 applications, and is trained and owned by each individual user. Join the movement for decentralized Artificial Intelligence with Altered State Machine.

Follow ASM on Twitter, Discord, or Instagram



Altered State Machine

Bringing life to the open Metaverse with unique Artificial Intelligence you can own, train and trade | Non Fungible Intelligence® | $ASTO