No Apple, I want my News when I want it

Daniel Marchena
2 min readAug 15, 2015


So I would not call myself an avid reader but I do enjoy catching up on my technology long form from time to time. This morning an article from The New York Times caught my eye, “Inside Amazon: Wrestling Big
Ideas in a Bruising Workplace”

I was on my Nexus 6 at the time and thought it would be great to read this article through Apple News found on iOS 9 (I am currently running the Beta) as I am especially fond of the layout and style.

So I grabbed my coffee and iPad and sat in a comfy chair and opened News… and it wasn’t there.

Well Apple, it is no longer Friday Evening, it is Saturday Morning and the article went live this morning.

For reference here are The New York Times homepage and Googles “Play Newsstand” application, both of which are real-time and updated.

This is the problem with leaving curated news to a single source. With no method of refreshing or having the most up to date content, Apple News means little more to me then a nighttime news aggregator. Despite its pretty view, excellent formatting, and easy to use style; I don’t think I will use the application much if I cannot depend on it. What Google and other services are offering is What I want, When I want it and How I want it.

“News conveniently collects all the stories you want to read, from top news sources, based on topics you’re most interested in” —

I think it may be symbolic that they left out the part where they say it is the content you want when you want it.

Now excuse me while I go read this article on Google Newsstand while sipping my coffee…

