Altmarkets now offers support for Privacy based currencies, lists Pirate Chain.

Altmarkets Exchange
1 min readMay 28, 2021


Altmarkets has generally been limited to what currencies we can be host to, needing specific requirements aimed towards a dated BTC RPC API and in a position to only have these such coins.

We recieve many requests to add coins such as Monero, ZCash, Beam — projects that are privacy-focused but due to the codebase restraints this wasnt something we could do.

We’re now happy to announce that due to development on the exchange codebase we can support such projects and will be expanding on currencies on offer to trade over the coming months, firstly we can announce our first listing, Pirate Chain [ARRR].

Pirate is protected from 51% attacks by utilizing Komodo’s dPoW, meaning its blocks are notarized onto both Komodo and Bitcoin blockchains. Attempts to mount a Sybil attack against Pirate would have to overcome the combined hashrates of Bitcoin, Komodo, and Pirate.

This is an astronomical cost that would deter malicious actors. Pirate started with a fair launch — no ICO, premine, and 0 dev fee. Source, Reddit.

Trade Pirate at Altmarkets Today:

Deposits / Withdraws —

Markets [LTC, BTC, DOGE]



Altmarkets Exchange

Altmarkets Cryptocurrency exchange for low-tier cap coins and tokens.