So you’re telling me…

Alton Zheng-Xie
1 min readFeb 17, 2015


“You have a platform at your disposal that can disseminate any message nearly instantaneously to your entire network of friends, acquaintances, and colleagues… At your fingertips, the possibility of a virtual forum concerning any idea, thought, or opinion.”

“I suppose.”

“And this capability… is accessible to anyone, virtually free to use? It’s speed potentially analogous to the exponential spread of pandemics?”

“Pretty much.”

“And that populations of humans in near poverty have leveraged it to foment revolution? To overturn dictatorships and social hierarchies that have been in place for centuries? And authoritarian governments readily fight it for fear of the potential unrest it could cause?”

“Happens all the time.”

“And you’re telling me you use this fantastic creation to… post lyrics of sappy love songs?


