Is Opera Still Relevant in the 21st Century?

3 min readOct 16, 2023


As the curtains rise and the orchestra begins to play, there’s an air of anticipation that only opera can create. With roots deeply embedded in centuries of tradition, opera remains a fascinating confluence of music, drama, and art. Yet, in the fast-paced, digitally-driven world we live in, one can’t help but wonder: Is opera still relevant in the 21st century? This question sets the stage for a lively discussion that reaches into the corners of culture, history, and modernity.

The Timeless Appeal of Opera

First, let’s look at what makes opera a timeless art form. Opera takes us on an emotional rollercoaster, weaving intricate stories of love, betrayal, and moral quandaries. Its complex characters and multi-layered narratives continue to offer audiences a window into the complexities of human emotions. One could argue that these themes are universally resonant and eternally relevant.

Global Influence and Historical Significance

Opera has a rich history and has played a significant role in the cultural development of many nations. From Italian opera houses to German composers who revolutionized the form, opera is a global phenomenon. It has influenced other art forms and even political landscapes. This cultural weight adds a layer of relevance that is hard to dismiss.

The Critics’ Notes: The Case Against Opera

However, not everyone is sold on the relevance of opera in contemporary society. Critics often point to several factors that seemingly marginalize this classic art form.

Accessibility and Elitism

One of the most common arguments is that opera is becoming increasingly exclusive. High ticket prices, formal settings, and a certain level of required ‘cultural literacy’ can make opera feel inaccessible to younger or less affluent audiences.

The Digital Age Dilemma

We live in an age of instant gratification where entertainment is just a click away. In this digital landscape, opera has to compete with an endless array of entertainment options, each vying for our limited attention span. Critics argue that opera, with its long run-times and intricate plots, may not fit into this fast-paced environment.

Opera in Modern Times

But let’s not write the epilogue just yet. Opera is far from static, and modern adaptations prove that it can evolve. Innovative directors are bringing new life to classic pieces, while new compositions tackle contemporary issues. Live-streaming performances and the use of subtitles are making opera more accessible than ever before.

A Resounding Crescendo or a Final Bow?

So, is opera still relevant in the 21st century? The answer might depend on how we define ‘relevance.’ If relevance means maintaining cultural and historical significance while adapting to the needs of modern society, then yes, opera has a role to play.

However, if relevance is measured solely by mainstream popularity, opera faces a more uncertain future. Either way, the debate about opera’s place in modern culture is far from over, and perhaps that in itself proves its enduring relevance.

Opera, like any art form, must continually evolve to reflect the world it inhabits. Whether you’re a die-hard aficionado or a curious newcomer, the complex harmonies and powerful narratives of opera offer an experience that is both enriching and thought-provoking. One thing is for certain — opera continues to provoke questions, stir emotions, and inspire conversations, making its relevance a topic worthy of ongoing discussion.

