How to clean Twitter cache! A blank Twitter history!

Altug Altug
3 min readOct 7, 2022


Clean Twitter cache
Photo by Aditya on Unsplash

Is your Twitter history full of mentions ,replies, retweets, likes, and many other interactions with other people?

And, do you want to clear your Twitter cache to have a blank page in your Twitter history?

Then, first of all, you should know that your Twitter profile has a Twitter archive!

That archive which is simple a file, contains all your Twitter activity. Your tweets, retweets, likes, replies, mentions, your deleted tweets that can only be found on Wayback Machine, your deleted likes, retweets, and everything.

If you find a way to clean your Twitter history, then you can have automatically a clean cache on Twitter!

But, first, you should know how to download your Twitter archive. You can go to the link or you can read this article to learn the process step by step:

Well, now you know how to download your Twitter archive. But, what do you do with this file?

I use Circleboom Twitter to erase my Twitter history archive. There are some other third-party tools but I think Circleboom is the most effective and safest one.

(Safety is an important factor because you are giving authority to third-party services to access your Twitter accounts and your tweets.)

On Circleboom, you should follow these steps to clean your Twitter cache and delete your Twitter archive:

How to clean Twitter Archive and Twitter Cache

  • Log in to the Circleboom Twitter.
  • When logged in, quickly authorize Circleboom Twitter with your Twitter account.
  • Please find the sidebar on the left and click “Delete Twitter Archive”.
  • The board where you can upload your Twitter Archive will prompt immediately.
  • Click on the blue “Start Here” button to continue.
Delete Twitter archive
  • Upload your archive file to continue.
  • After uploading your Twitter Archive file, you will be taken to the dashboard, where you can clear your Twitter history.
  • Here, click the filtering option to open date filters.
Filter your Twitter archive
  • When your filtering process is done, just a few secs until filtering progress is complete.
  • Then finalize it via the red “Delete My Archive” button.
Delete My Archive

You did it! You deleted your Twitter archive and cleaned your Twitter cache.

Wrapping Up

Your Twitter archive file accessible via Twitter. When you download it, you have the full control of your past activities on Twitter.

You can delete them all. You can clean all your tweets, retweets, likes, mentions, replies, etc. Or, if you want you can delete all your tweets except some.

This will give you a blank Twitter history and Twitter cache.



Altug Altug

Content Specialist. Interested topics are social media marketing, technology, literature and cinema. I can talk for hours on Tolkien.