ALU Christian Fellowship
2 min readJan 17, 2023


Good Morning family,

27th November, 2022.

Verse of the Day

1 Thessalonians 5:18 NLT

‘Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you.’

God is crystal clear on this issue: we are all called to be thanks-givers. Who? You! When? In all circumstances! Why? Because it’s God’s will for you! Whatever else you may be confused about concerning God’s will, this part is clear. It’s not a suggestion — it’s a commandment. And since there are enough of this command in Scripture about thanksgiving, God evidently enjoys receiving thanks. The psalmist said, ‘I will praise the name of God with a song, and…magnify him with thanksgiving. This also shall please the Lord better than an ox or bull’ (Psalm 69:30–31 NKJV).

Why does God need to remind us to give thanks? For the same reason you remind your younger ones when you do something for them — it’s considerate and, until it becomes habitual, we forget! David, a man after God’s own heart, prodded his often-forgetful soul into thanksgiving: ‘Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits’ (Psalm 103:2 NKJV). When you feel ungrateful, stop and read David’s ‘benefit list’ in your Bible — it will fire up your attitude of gratitude. Even when circumstances don’t look good, God can turn them around for your benefit. In all things he deserves your thanks. Even at his lowest point in the belle of the whale, Jonah still recognized the supremacy of God and the need to thank him. ‘When is was in danger, I called to the Lord… I will praise and thank you (Jonah 2:2, 9)

Action point of the Day

Make it a habit to always thank God, even when it seems situations are not working in your Favor or overwhelming. Thank him, not for what he can do or cannot do, but for who he is and believing he always has your best interest at heart.

#Transforming Generations

#ALUCF Digest

#Daily Devotion

