ALU Christian Fellowship
2 min readJan 17, 2023


Good Morning family,

25th November, 2022.

Verse of the Day

Hebrews 10:38 NKJV

The just shall live by faith.’

You develop the ability to live by faith by practicing it every day. Before accepting Christ, you put your confidence in your own capability and intelligence. But you couldn’t go any further with those things, right? You now put your faith in God to give you the knowledge, direction, means, and power to carry out his plan for your life.

According to the Bible, Noah “prepared an ark through faith for the rescue of his household” (Hebrews 11:7 NKJV). Consider this: rain was not in the forecast when Noah was building the ark. Sometimes it doesn’t make sense to live on faith. It does not imply that your issues will just disappear. Faith can sometimes alter your circumstances, but it can also alter your viewpoint. How? by giving you the willpower to persevere with unshaken faith, though you don’t know where the money to pay the next bill will be coming from, the doctor declares the illness to be incurable or they don’t even know what is wrong , you’re not sure of what will come out of your next assignment or the last interview you had, your new startup is not looking like it’s going to see the light of the day. You have the strength to endure because of your faith in God’s ability to intervene on your behalf. According to Paul, “Faith is assurance about what we do not see and trust in what we hope for” (Hebrews 11:1 NIV).

Living by faith entails three things: (1) obeying God and trusting that he won’t let you down; (2) imitating the actions of common people who performed amazing deeds for God; and (3) using your faith since you are aware that it is the only currency that Heaven responds to while making a request. The phrase “The just shall live by faith” (Hebrews 10:38 NKJV) in the Bible does not refer to brief moments of faith; rather, it refers to living a life of faith.

Action point of the Day

Don’t only exercise your faith when you make a request for God or when you need an answer to a prayer, make faith your daily lifestyle, never do anything with apply the subject of faith. Faith is not what we do, it is what we lived by daily and every moment.

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#Daily Devotion

