Master Your Device: The Power of Application Control

Alu Shaks
1 min readSep 3, 2023


We’ve all been there — an overwhelming sea of apps on our devices. But did you know you can take charge of what they can access and do? Let’s dive into the world of Application Control:

What is Application Control?

Imagine it as the gatekeeper of your device, allowing you to decide what apps can and can’t do. It empowers you to manage permissions, keeping your data and privacy intact.

Why Does It Matter?

  1. Data Privacy: Application Control lets you review and limit what data apps can access, helping you protect your personal information.
  2. Security: By restricting app permissions, you reduce the risk of malicious apps or unauthorized access to your device.
  3. Battery and Performance: Fine-tuning which apps run in the background can extend your battery life and keep your device running smoothly.

How to Use Application Control:

  1. Go to your device settings.
  2. Navigate to “Apps” or “Applications.”
  3. Select an app and manage its permissions, such as access to your camera, contacts, or location.

By taking control of your apps, you’re putting your digital life back in your hands! 🙌🔐

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Alu Shaks

"Innovator | Developer | Entrepreneur | Tech Enthusiast Certified Microsoft Innovation Educator, ICT Specialist, and proud Zambian. With a heart fueled by tech