CTF -31/100

Dec 1, 2023


Hi, This is my 100-days CTF challenge page. I will be solving each problem every day.

Today the challenge is from PICO CTF

Day 31: 01/12/2023

Topic: Web Exploitation

Title: Match the regex

Pico link: https://play.picoctf.org/practice/challenge/288?category=1&page=3

Challenge Link: http://saturn.picoctf.net:57741/

Description: How about trying to match a regular expression

The challenge page looks like this below

Lets try to put some text

Don’t match, lets check the page source for the conditions

The text should match with p to F might be picoCTF, lets try this text in the input box and observe the response

Woah! we got the flag

Flag: picoCTF{succ3ssfully_matchtheregex_0694f25b}

That’s all about this challenge

