Published inAR.Blog();Proptee — A new look 🎊Ben: I think we’ve got a problem. Our website is boring AF. Look at ours, then look at Revolut, or Robinhood, or this random app I found.Nov 24, 2020Nov 24, 2020
Published inFreetrade BlogRunning workflows at Freetrade, serverless!Plus tips on Airflow resource management on Cloud ComposerFeb 12, 2020Feb 12, 2020
Published inAR.Blog();Slides from droidcon London 2019There’s a habit at #droidcon for speakers to share their slides on Twitter. Here’s one place to find the slides from droidcon London 2019!Oct 25, 2019Oct 25, 2019
Published inAR.Blog();React Native vs Just Native™I initially wrote this comparison for a friend when he asked me for an opinion on React Native vs. real native apps. I figured I might as…Sep 14, 2019Sep 14, 2019
Published inAR.Blog();How to use custom DNS on eduroam WiFitl;dr Switch to a local proxy server (dnscrypt-proxy) using DNSCrypt.May 4, 2019May 4, 2019
Published inAR.Blog();Building an investment app in 48 hours — #OpenBankHack18tl;dr Won 3rd place at a hackathon with Liber, a product for people to make automatic investments. In 48h we coded a fully working app…Dec 8, 2018Dec 8, 2018
Published inAR.Blog();What I learned at UKIEPC 2018 — University of SouthamptonYesterday I participated in UKIEPC (a subregional contest to select teams that should go to ACM International Collegiate Programming…Oct 21, 2018Oct 21, 2018
Published inFuturisticoZenith Portfolio — Privacy And Security Without CompromiseWhile working on our newest app, we knew we had to make it one-of-a-kind. There are tons of similar apps, but we want to be different…Feb 14, 2018Feb 14, 2018
Published inAR.Blog();Simple TDD workflow for small Haskell projectsI’m working on my second coursework for the COMP2209 Programming 3 module at University of Southampton, which is all about functional…Dec 11, 2017Dec 11, 2017
Published inFuturisticoChat Bot Skills 101Back in September, Vlad and I attended MallorcaJS. Vlad spoke about the future of interaction—Conversation Interfaces—while I talked about…Oct 21, 2017Oct 21, 2017