Accessibility with SwiftUI: A Powerful Framework for Inclusive App Design

Alvar Arias
3 min readJul 18, 2023


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By providing powerful tools and intuitive APIs, SwiftUI empowers developers to create apps that cater to a diverse range of users.

In this article, we will explore the accessibility features of SwiftUI and demonstrate how they can be implemented through a practical example.

Understanding Accessibility in SwiftUI:

Accessibility in SwiftUI refers to the ability of an app to be perceivable, operable, and understandable by users with disabilities.

SwiftUI offers a variety of features that can be used to enhance accessibility, such as dynamic type, voiceover support, and semantic views.

These features ensure that users with visual impairments, hearing loss, or other disabilities can interact with and benefit from the app.

In SwiftUI, the .accessibility modifier provides various attributes that can be used to enhance the accessibility of UI elements. Three important attributes are value, hint, and label, each serving a distinct purpose in making the user interface more accessible.

Semantic Views

SwiftUI provides semantic views that give meaning to UI elements. By using these views, we can ensure that assistive technologies can understand and convey the purpose of each UI component.

We use the value attribute is used to provide additional context or information about the current value or state of a UI element. It is particularly useful for elements like sliders, progress bars, or other dynamic controls that display changing values.

Slider(value: $sliderValue, in: 0...100, step: 1)
.accessibility(value: Text("\(sliderValue) percent"))

By setting the value attribute, you can make the app's behavior more transparent to users with visual impairments.

Dynamic Type

SwiftUI provides support for Dynamic Type, allowing users to adjust the app’s font size according to their preference.

Text("Weather Forecast")

By using the .font() modifier with the .largeTitle size category, the app's text will automatically scale based on the user's selected font size.

Voiceover Support

Voiceover is a built-in screen reader on iOS that reads out the content of the app to users with visual impairments.

Image(systemName: "sun.max")
.accessibility(label: Text("Sunny"))
.accessibility(hint: Text("Current weather: sunny"))

Using the label and hint attributes in SwiftUI's accessibility modifiers is important for creating an inclusive and accessible user interface. Let's understand their significance:

The label attribute provides a clear and descriptive name for a UI element. In this case, it assigns the label "Sunny" to the image representing the weather. This is particularly useful for users who rely on screen readers, as it allows them to understand the content and purpose of the image. When the image is encountered by VoiceOver, it will announce "Sunny" to the user, providing them with information about the current weather condition.

The hint attribute provides a brief description or contextual information about a UI element. In this example, the hint "Current weather: sunny" offers additional information about the current weather condition to VoiceOver users. It complements the label by providing further context and helping users understand the significance of the image in the app. Hints are particularly useful when a UI element's purpose may not be immediately apparent, and they assist users in making informed interactions.


SwiftUI’s focus on accessibility has revolutionized app development by providing developers with powerful tools to create inclusive user experiences.

By leveraging features like dynamic type, voiceover support, and semantic views, developers can ensure that their apps are accessible to a wider range of users.

By embracing accessibility principles in our designs, we can contribute to a more inclusive and accessible digital ecosystem for everyone.



Alvar Arias

IOS Developer, my mantra is please keep it simple and then build big.