AI Gold Rush: Promise or Pressure?

Alvaro Rattinger
3 min readSep 26, 2023


Beep-boop. As you scroll through your Instagram feed, a familiar narrative emerges — another user flaunting thousands of dollars made using the latest Artificial Intelligence tool—a promising prospect. But dig a little deeper, and you’ll unearth a story less told. It is a story of fizzling side hustles, misplaced hopes, and mounting pressures. Let’s dive in.

Dont feel pressured if you ar not jumping on the AI side hustle bandwagon.

The Allure of Quick Bucks

Picture this: a cozy evening, your favorite drink in hand, and your phone buzzing with Instagram notifications. You come across a reel captivatingly titled “How I Made $10k in a Day with AI!” The allure is almost magnetic. Could this be your ticket to financial freedom?

Personal experiences have taught me a simple truth: behind these enticing headlines often lies an unsustainable side hustle. Or even worse, the side hustle is a series of elaborate, impossible steps to follow. Most of these videos are promotional efforts, and I would not be amazed if many were just affiliate marketing strategies.

The Pitfalls of Overexposure

Sure, innovative uses of Artificial Intelligence offer countless opportunities for savvy entrepreneurs. There’s no denying that some have struck gold. But here’s the catch: once these tactics go viral and are seen by thousands if not millions, they lose their uniqueness and competitive advantage. The market gets saturated, diminishing the allure of the ‘exclusive’ hustle.

Remember those fidget spinners? Everyone wanted one, and then… they didn’t. Similarly, not all AI-driven ventures retain their charm or profitability. AI-generated content might be great, but we must admit it is many times bland. Especially those AI-created short videos, many of which will only be destined to be part of the long tail of content. I am still unsure if that is bad or good since a couple of cents multiplied, but thousands of videos could be a good business strategy, albeit not very relevant.

Generation Z: At the Crossroads

My heart mainly goes to Generation Z. Growing up in a digital era; they are bombarded with these tales of instant success. There’s increasing pressure to join the AI gold rush, often sidelining the importance of patience, hard work, and consistent effort.

The illusion? That you can simply ‘side hustle’ your way to financial freedom. While some strike it rich, it remains an elusive dream for most, leading to wasted time and resources.

Next time you stumble upon that enticing Instagram reel, dig deeper, research, and question its viability. Only then can we prevent AI from becoming a stress magnet, ensuring its potential is harnessed wisely.

Visual Aids: Seeing Beyond the Glitz

The number of people who have attempted AI-driven side hustles on one axis and the number who achieved sustainable success on the other. The disparity would be stark. Multimedia like this provides readers with a visual reality check, bridging the gap between perception and reality.

In Conclusion: AI — A Tool, Not a Magic Wand

Artificial Intelligence is undeniably powerful. But it’s essential to approach it with realistic expectations. Before diving headlong into the next viral AI trend, pause and reflect. Understand its longevity, scalability, and, most importantly, its relevance to your life and goals.

Let’s not let the dazzling world of AI-driven successes blind us to reality. Instead, let’s equip ourselves with knowledge, realistic goals, and a sprinkle of skepticism.



Alvaro Rattinger

Alvaro Rattinger is the CEO of Merca2.0 Magazine Author of "Nuevo juego, nuevas reglas" and "Marketing Asimétrico".