Food in Spanish

Alvaro Llatzer
2 min readJan 11, 2015


Today we will try a big topic in what is learning basic vocabulary. We talk about the name of the food in spanish. We include ingredients and international dishes to provide you with a huge vocabulary, so yoy can have a good conversation about food with others. Remember to look for the words in the written text, it contains some extra words you will not find in the image.

Below this article you will find a video with the pronunciation of the vocabulary of the food in spanish.

hamburger — hamburguesa

pizza steak — bistec meat — Carne fish — pescado chicken — pollo shrimp — camarones / gambas en españa ham — jamón spaghetti — espagueti Rice — Arroz french fries — papas fritas salad — ensalada corn — maíz broccoli — brócoli soup — sopa cake — pastel, bizcocho, torta ice cream — helado pie — pastel water — agua soda — refresco orange juice — jugo de naranja coffee — café tea — té Below you have a list with the fruit in spanish: banana — banana, plátano apple — manzana grape — uva lemon — limón orange — naranja cherry — cereza pear — pera grapefruit — pomelo, toronja strawberry — fresa watermelon — sandía pineapple — piña lime — lima peach — durazno, melocotón corn — maíz onion — cebolla tomato — tomate carrot — zanahoria potato — papa broccoli — brócoli green bean — ejote green pepper — pimiento verde celery — apio lettuce — lechuga cucumber — pepino mushroom — champiñón, seta pea — guisante, chicharo

Originally published at on November 14, 2012.



Alvaro Llatzer

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