So.. What is Witei?

Alvaro Vila
1 min readJul 9, 2017


Disclaimer: I’m writing this blog with no chronological order. I’ll try to update old articles as I write the new ones so you can always find useful information

Witei is a startup born in Madrid, Spain, on January, 2015 with 3 cofounders: Alvaro Vila (me), Gabriel Ibáñez and Guiomar Valderrama.

We wanted to create a new company out of nothing (just our time and knowledge) and make it growth enough (in terms of billing) to allow us create other companies faster and easier. Some requirements:

  • Make money, the sooner the better. We didn’t want to look for investors or any external capital. We wanted to bootstrap this project and we had a deadline: 1 year. This deadline was set based on our savings.
  • Start in the B2B model. We have experience in other companies working with this model.
  • Build the best team (of course).
  • Do not spend money unless it extremely necessary.
  • Do not start a new project until we reached the 100K€/month with the current one.

This is us, 2 years later:

