You are a manager at a local convenience store that has been the victim of graffiti. Identify the roles you will undertake with both internal employees and others.

Alvin George
2 min readNov 13, 2023



Graffiti is an art movement that uses spray paint to create names or images in public settings, usually on walls or trains.

As a manager at the store, it's my responsibility to solve this issue and make sure similar incidents won’t repeat in the future.

I will inform my employees about the graffiti incident and the steps I will be taking to address it first. I will explain to them the importance of maintaining a clean and welcoming environment for customers as soon as possible. I will assign specific tasks to employees to assist in the resolution process, such as cleaning, documenting the graffiti, or monitoring the store.

I will make sure the graffiti paintings are removed from our store’s walls and premises. I will hire professional graffiti removal services or allocate employees to clean and remove the graffiti if my employees fail to remove the paint. I will make sure our staff follow appropriate safety protocols and use suitable cleaning materials to avoid causing further damage to the store.

It’s a serious mistake from our side, so I am responsible for answering to my store owner and investors. I will collect CCTV footage, videos, and photos as evidence of graffiti. I will note down the time of the incident, the date of the incident, and other specific details that will help the law-and-order authority handle this offence.

I will contact the local authorities to report the incident and provide them with all relevant information. I will file a police report if necessary and cooperate fully with the investigation.

My next task will be to evaluate the store’s security measures and consider implementing additional measures, such as improved lighting or security cameras, to deter future incidents. Our management will encourage employees to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity promptly.

I will personally engage with the local community to create awareness about the incident and seek their support in preventing further vandalism. I will inquire if any other Graffiti victims nearby and consider organizing a community cleanup event or partnering with local organizations to promote a positive image of the store.

These are my practical steps towards handling the Graffiti vandalism and prevention. As a manager, I must take this incident seriously and make sure our internal staff and local community are aware and prepared to deal with such incidents in the future.



Alvin George

Alvin loves learning about Liberal arts, Business, Tech and Law. Research and Writing are my Hobbies!