Do You Know.. How much caffeine is in tea or other foods and beverages ?

Alvin Woods
2 min readJun 6, 2018


Well, people think that caffeine must be coffee, coffee, and coffee. And caffeine is not only there is in coffee.

Yup..Caffeine can actually be found in foods and beverages, for example chocolate, tea, coffee, energy drinks, even on some cold medicines! However, actually you are okay if you want to drink caffeine as well, but the daily limit is only 300 grams per day. As a rule of thumb, here are the caffeine content in some drinks:

1 cup instant coffee 60–80 mg
1 cup of filtered coffee 60–120 mg
1 cup of tea 10–50 mg
1 can of cola ± 50 mg
1 can of energy drink 80 mg
1 bar (100 grams) milk chocolate ± 20 mg

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So, for example you eat one bar of chocolate and 1 cup of filtered coffee in a day, then you have reached about 200 grams of caffeine. Still safe, right? But, if you do not want to take any chances at all, replace your tea and coffee without caffeine. Then, try to get used to prefer fresh fruit juices and water instead of tea, coffee, and cola.

Unlike caffeine that can be reduced without being cut completely, alcohol is the drink you should avoid during pregnancy. Alcohol can increase the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth. In fact, although only a small amount of alcohol you drink, it can risk damaging fetal brain development, facial deformity, heart defects, and mental retardation.

