If a Crypto-Token Goes Up 45,000% Within a Few Days You Can Be Damn Sure It’s a Scam

Squid Game Token isn’t the first cryptocurrency scam and it won’t be the last.

Alvin T.
6 min readNov 3, 2021
Squid Game. Netflix Photo by Jonas Augustin on Unsplash

If you’ve been following cryptocurrency, you may have heard of a cryptocurrency token that was reported to have gone up an insane 45,000%.

This was also covered by mainstream media. Just last week, the BBC reported that “Squid Game cryptocurrency rockets in first few days of trading ,” only for them to make a 180-degree and announce instead: “Squid Game crypto token collapses in apparent scam.”

I wasn’t surprised.

In another Medium story I published a few days ago — even before mainstream media confirmed that it was indeed a scam— I had written that if you cannot sell any token, it’s 100% loss and obviously a scam.

Unfortunately, as it turns out, my skepticism was well-placed.

Squid Game — Crypto-style

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you would have heard of Squid Game, a Netflix show that transcended cultural and language barriers to become the streaming service’s top show globally. The story is about the destitute members of Korean society being forced to play a series of survival games. Only one…



Alvin T.

Sociologist-thinker-marketer in Tokyo. Editor of Japonica. Follow to read about life in Japan, modern society, and poignant truths infused with irony.