Maximizing BNB Returns with Yield24's Liquid Staking Platforms

Always Angry
3 min readFeb 1, 2024



In the ever-evolving landscape of decentralized finance (DeFi), Yield24 emerges as a game-changer, introducing a unique approach to Binance Coin (BNB) liquid staking. This innovative platform facilitates the seamless staking of BNB tokens through carefully selected validator nodes, coupled with the generation of yBNB tokens – BEP-20 reward-earning tokens sent directly to your wallet. This article delves into the specifics of Yield24's liquid staking model, highlighting its integration of Stader and Ankr Liquid Staking platforms on the BNB Chain.

Understanding BNB Liquid Staking with Yield24:

Yield24's BNB liquid staking mechanism aims to empower users by providing a hassle-free way to stake their BNB tokens. The process begins with users entrusting their tokens to carefully chosen validator nodes. Simultaneously, the protocol generates yBNB tokens, creating a novel BEP-20 asset that serves as a testament to users' participation in the staking ecosystem.

Rebasing Mechanism for Consistent Rewards:

A standout feature of Yield24's liquid staking is the incorporation of a daily rebasing mechanism. This mechanism ensures that staking rewards are consistently distributed to users' wallets. With daily increments to the yBNB balance, users can witness their earnings grow in real-time, reflecting the accruing staking rewards.

Integration of Stader and Ankr Liquid Staking Platforms:

Yield24 goes a step further in enhancing its liquid staking capabilities by integrating two prominent platforms on the BNB Chain – Stader and Ankr Liquid Staking.

1. Stader Integration:

Stader, a reputable liquid staking platform, brings its expertise to the Yield24 ecosystem. With its proven track record in efficient staking solutions, Stader ensures the security and reliability of the BNB liquid staking process. Users can benefit from Stader's robust infrastructure, contributing to a seamless and secure staking experience on the Yield24 platform.

2. Ankr Liquid Staking Integration:

Ankr, another key player in the liquid staking space, collaborates with Yield24 to provide users with additional staking options. Ankr's Liquid Staking platform adds diversity to the staking ecosystem, offering users alternative pathways to maximize their BNB returns. The integration of Ankr's platform broadens the scope of Yield24's liquid staking services, catering to a wider audience of DeFi enthusiasts.


Yield24's BNB liquid staking model, coupled with the integration of Stader and Ankr Liquid Staking platforms, presents a compelling opportunity for users seeking to optimize their BNB returns. Through a user-friendly staking process, daily rebasing mechanisms, and the support of reputable platforms, Yield24 stands at the forefront of innovation in the DeFi space. As decentralized finance continues to evolve, platforms like Yield24 play a pivotal role in providing secure and rewarding staking solutions for cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

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