Quillbot Free Trial — Testing the Premium Paraphrasing Tool for Real

Alex Zenisek
5 min readFeb 19, 2024


As a writer, facing challenges in delivering the perfect content is not uncommon, often encountering creative blocks. While the Quillbot free trial option may no longer be available, you can still utilize Quillbot for basic needs of a content writer. Let’s see how.

Widely embraced by writers, bloggers, and students, Quillbot stands out as a popular writing tool. Its user base, consisting of millions, relies on it to enhance the clarity and readability of their content. For writers, Quillbot proves to be a valuable resource, offering assistance during moments of creative crisis.

However, it’s essential to note that quality tools like Quillbot typically come with a price. Despite the absence of a free trial, the benefits it brings to your writing process could outweigh the associated costs.

Quillbot homepage thumbnail

Navigating the affordability of a Quillbot subscription might leave you in a state of confusion, questioning whether the platform justifies its cost. Fortunately, we’ve simplified the process for you by introducing an accessible way to obtain a free version of Quillbot!

In this post, we will explore the advantages of the Quillbot free trial and provide insights into how you can effortlessly access it. Join us as we delve into the specifics and guide you through the steps to unlock the free version.

What was included in Quillbot free trial?

For budget-conscious writers who are unable to invest in pricey writing tools, the Quillbot free trial serves as an ideal solution. It allows you to test the waters and enhance the formality, readability, and fluency of your content without any cost, thereby elevating the overall quality of your writing.

By utilizing the trial, you can deliver the best content. Once ready, you can continue with the paid subscription of Quillbot to continue doing the amazing writing work.

One notable advantage of Quillbot’s free trial is its absence of a time limit. You can use it at your convenience, without restrictions on the duration. During this trial period, you can rephrase up to 400 words and 1000 characters in a single session, with the added benefit of unlimited rephrasing sessions.

To fully unlock the comprehensive capabilities of Quillbot, upgrading to the premium version becomes necessary. Detailed insights into these tools will be explored in subsequent sections of this post. Now, let’s delve into the exciting part — unveiling the simple steps to access the Quillbot free version!

How to get Quillbot Free Trial?

Now that you’re buzzing with excitement about the Quillbot free trial and its time limit nonchalance, let’s unveil the secret handshake to join the Quillbot cool kids.

Here’s an easy, step-by-step process to unleash the Quillbot free version:

Step 1: Strut your stuff to the official Quillbot website — just click your heels and say, “Tada!”

Step 2: Slide into the Quillbot premium page, pick the basic plan like a savvy shopper, and hit that sign-up groove.

Step 3: Unleash your inner poet as you pen down the required info to craft your Quillbot VIP pass.

Step 4: Add a sprinkle of your personality to your Quillbot account settings — because even AI tools need a touch of flair!

Step 5: Back to the home base, where the paraphrasing tool awaits your literary masterpiece. Paste that prose with flair!

Step 6: Click ‘Paraphrase,’ and voila! Quillbot performs its linguistic magic faster than you can say “Abracadabra!”

Congrats! You’ve just scored the Quillbot free version ticket, letting you whip up brilliant content with a wink and a click. Time to shine, wordsmith!

Quillbot Pricing — Explained

Quillbot generously offers a free version that encompasses almost all of its features, although certain tools, such as the plagiarism checker, remain exclusive to the premium plan.

To unlock the full spectrum of Quillbot’s capabilities, upgrading to their premium plan is imperative. Here are the subscription options:

  1. Annual Subscription: Geared towards professional writers tackling substantial projects, this plan costs $49.95 per year at the rate of $4.17 per month.
  2. Semi-Annual Subscription: Tailored for those in the learning phase of content writing, the semi-annual plan starts at $39.95 for 6 months, equating to $6.66 per month.
  3. Monthly Subscription: For individuals seeking a cost-effective short-term commitment, the monthly plan is available at $9.95 per month.

Each subscription tier offers varying benefits, allowing you to choose the option that aligns best with their writing needs and budget constraints.

Is Quillbot worth it? — Our Experience with Quillbot

Absolutely, unquestionably! Quillbot stands out as a superb all-encompassing writing companion for writers of all kinds. If your goal is to refine formality and enhance fluency in your content, Quillbot is your go-to solution.

  • The grammar-checking feature in Quillbot ensures precision and grammatical excellence, addressing spelling and punctuation errors to deliver content that is not only fluent but also crystal clear.
  • The Paraphraser, a tool that elevates your content by offering improved wording and the ability to set the desired tone. With options like standard, fluent, formal, simple, and creative techniques, you have the flexibility to tailor your content precisely.
  • Quillbot goes above and beyond with a dedicated summarizing tool that swiftly creates concise versions of your lengthy writings. The citation-generating tool facilitates the addition of various references to your content.
  • The co-writer tool emerges as a one-stop-shop for all your writing needs, enabling research, note-taking, paraphrasing, summarizing, citation addition, and content analysis all within a single tab.
  • Recently, Quillbot introduced a plagiarism checker that meticulously scans your content across numerous websites, delivering accurate results.

Our longstanding use of Quillbot stems from its consistent assistance in crafting accurate and polished writing. For those considering the premium plan and seeking to unlock all features, we wholeheartedly endorse it.

Quillbot Premium Features

In contrast to the free version, a Quillbot premium subscription provides access to

  • Unlimited words in Paraphraser
  • Unlimited Custom and 8 predefined modes
  • Full use of Synonym Slider
  • Unlimited Freeze Words
  • 6,000 words in Summarizer
  • Unique summaries using custom instructions
  • Faster processing speed
  • Plagiarism Checker (100 pages/month)

With a Quillbot Premium account, you enjoy the luxury of saving your work. The inclusion of an email feature further streamlines document sharing with others.

Conclusion — Quillbot no longer offers free trial

Whether you’re a budding writer on a budget or a seasoned professional in search of top-notch writing assistance, Quillbot caters to the diverse needs of all. Though the Quillbot free trial has been discontinued, you won’t loose money if you do not like it for the first 3 days.

We trust that this article has guided you in accessing the Quillbot free trial. Now, the stage is yours. What’s your take on Quillbot? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!



Alex Zenisek

Hi, I am Alex Zenisek from Macpost. I write about web hosting, data collection, web scraping, advertising technology and gadgets.