Labyrinth: A Powerful Symbol for the Journey of Life

How the act of walking its path, with its twists and turns, can offer moments of reflection and insight

Aly G.
5 min readJan 5, 2024
Maze | Labyrinth GIF — Difference between Maze and Labyrinth
Maze | Labyrinth GIF — Difference between Maze and Labyrinth

Labyrinths are intricate and sometimes confusing networks of passages through which one must find a way, and they have intrigued humans for millennia. Exploring a labyrinth yourself, whether for spiritual, meditative, or purely recreational reasons, can be a unique experience.

Let’s delve into their history, symbolic meanings, and some prominent examples. Then, we will explore this concept through different lenses and how it permeates various fields of study.

History & Origins

The word “labyrinth” is derived from the ancient Greek “λαβύρινθος” (labýrinthos). The most famous labyrinth from ancient times was the Cretan Labyrinth, which, according to myth, housed the Minotaur — a creature half-man and half-bull.

Labyrinths have been found in various cultures worldwide, from ancient Greece and the pre-Colombian Americas to India and Scandinavia.

Difference between Labyrinths and Mazes

Although the terms are often used interchangeably, there’s a difference.



Aly G.

Multidisciplinary Creative-Strategist || Experience Creator | Journey Lover | Adventure Journalist | Jesus' Diplomat | 🏳🕊| Views and opinions are my own.