UX Case Study — Jago Last Wish

Alya Latifah Putri Achmad
6 min readNov 28, 2021



Bank Jago, formerly known as PT Bank Artos Indonesia Tbk (Bank Artos) is one of the digital banks in Indonesia. Jago is a financial application that works on a life-centric principle. Bank Jago provides convenience in managing finances so that you can focus more on living your life, with family and friends.

In this UX Case Study, the final project of my internship with Skilvul organized by Kampus Merdeka, my team and I worked on a project where we created Jago Last Wish, an insurance feature that is a challenge from Bank Jago.

Jago Last Wish is an insurance feature that you can expect for whatever you want, for your family, yourself, even your pet. Jago Last Wish that we made also has an easy claim process both with the first party (the maker) and the second party (the party trusted by the Last Wish maker) and with good security because of the Video Call feature with Bank Jago so that the claim process can be done quickly and safely.


  1. Support users’ lifestyles and also help them achieve their life goals.
  2. Provides convenience in making the Last Wish that the user expects.
  3. Provides convenience in the Last Wish claim process for both the first and second parties.
  4. Can attract users to make their Last Wish using an easy-to-understand Interface and concise information.



Team Role

As a UI/UX Designer who collaborated with my team Anisah Cahya Isvara and Peri Ridwan Nurhedi, together we designed this Last Wish from the Empathize stage to the Testing stage.

Challenge Brief

As I mentioned at the beginning, Bank Jago gave us a challenge that we had to design Jago Last Wish, where Jago Last Wish is insurance that wants to make this insurance look as positive as possible so that users can write their requests according to their imagination.

Design Process

In this challenge, Design Thinking is an approach as a Design Process that is carried out to create the Jago Last Wish Feature.

Design Thinking

1 — Empathize

At the Empathize stage, my team and I did it on a google spreadsheet, by analyzing competitors, looking at user feedback on the Appstore about similar applications, and creating a resume based on the AMA session.

Jago Criteria

2 — Define

At this stage, after we discussed the Empathize stage, then we move on to Figjam to create Pain Points from a user’s point of view and How-Might We process.

Pain Point

Pain Point

How-Might We

How-Might We

3 — Ideate

After we distinguish the user’s Pain Point and How-Might We to solve the problem, we move on to the Ideate stage where there are Solution Ideas, Affinity Diagrams, Prioritization Ideas, Crazy 8’s, and User Flow.

Solution Idea

Affinity Diagram

Prioritization Idea

Crazy 8's

Crazy 8’s (Anisah-Alya-Peri)

User Flow

Overview Jago Last Wish
Create Jago Last Wish
Choose Insurance
Edit Last Wish
Claim Jago Last Wish
Health Gamification

4 — Prototype

At this stage, my team and I did a High-Fidelity Wireframe, then proceeded to create a UI Design and finished it by making a Prototype.

High-Fidelity Wireframe

UI Design

After making the Wireframe, then my team and I make a UI Design, where some designs have changed from the previously created Wireframe design.

  1. Overview — Create Last Wish

2. Edit Last Wish

3. Health (Gamification)

4. Claim 1

5. Claim 2


Prototype Link :

5 — Testing

The Testing stage is the last stage that we do, namely by interviewing the User about the Jago Last Wish design that my team and I have made.

At this stage, we interviewed 3 users namely Mala 25 years old, Gema 27 years old, and Hanni 28 years old. With this interview, we became aware of the shortcomings of our design as well as its advantages.

Design Iteration

Before :

Users are confused when they click the registration button. Users also don’t like the words of the “Dokter Terbaik”.

After :

We changed the button to “Link to Aplikasi Kesehatan” so that the user knows that when they click the button the user is directed to the Health Application.

Before :

Users are confused by the words Ahli Waris 1, 2, and 3, 4 which later become themselves, their wives, and children.

After :

We added Ahli Waris 1, 2, 3, 4 with captions next to them.

Before :

Users are not satisfied with the Health menu and suggest adding Calories

After :

We add Calories to determine the User’s calorie count in each month.


After conducting interviews with these 3 users, we asked for an assessment of the design we made. The assessments that we use are SEQ (Single Ease Question) and SUS (System Usability Scale), here are the results of the averages we have calculated.


SEQ (Single Ease Questions)


SUS (System Usability Scale)

The design of the Jago Last Wish feature has been completed which ends at the Testing stage, but to become a product that suits user needs, it should be easily accessed and informative. This feature is yet to be implemented and still under development, therefore any suggestions and feedback will help me in making this application better in the future.

