What Is Rekeying Locks and How Does It Work?

5 min readJan 26, 2023

If you’ve ever relocated, lost your keys, or fired an unhappy employee, you’ve probably contemplated changing your locks.

The majority of individuals are unaware that rekeying locks is a superior and frequently less expensive alternative than changing locks. This article will explain what it means to “rekey” a lock and, more importantly, why it is preferable to rekey locks rather than replace them. Why is this so important, you might ask? Because it can save you a substantial amount of money every year. Instead than explaining the differences to the consumer, some locksmiths choose the more expensive option, taking advantage of the customer’s ignorance.

What is Lock Rekeying?

While “changing a lock” refers to merely replacing an old lock with a new one, “rekeying locks” requires additional explanation. Rekeying a lock entails substituting a new key for the existing one without changing the lock. In other words, the lock stays unchanged, but the previous key is no longer valid. This is achieved by removing the lock and replacing specific internal components (known as “tumblers” or “key pins”).

Each set of key pins in your lock corresponds to a certain key pin, therefore replacing these pins with new ones creates a new key that can now operate the lock. This is an easy technique that should not take more than a few minutes, given the necessary tools.

For rekeying locks, the locksmith requires a key that is currently compatible with the lock. Without the matching key, the only method to rekey the lock is to pick it open, which is typically not a problem for a trained locksmith but frequently incurs additional expenses that can make the operation costlier than simply replacing the lock.

Rekeying locks neither affects nor improves the security of the lock. The quantity of pins a lock contains helps to its security. If the locksmith replaces the five old pins with five new ones, the lock will be just as secure as before. To improve the security of your locks, you should replace them with new, higher-security locks.

Rekeying is almost always considerably less expensive than replacing locks due to the incredibly low cost of key pins. When you have your locks rekeyed, you only pay for labor, however when you change your locks, you pay for labor plus parts.

It is essential to note that all locks can be rekeyed, so you do not need to worry about whether or not your locks are rekeyable. However, the procedure of rekeying locks is not always the same and frequently requires several instruments. Some high-security locks, such as “Medeco” and “Mul-T-Lock,” require a specialized set of tools and key pins in order to be rekeyed.

Locks are rekeyed not just when an old key must be retired, but also when several locks must be matched to the same key. If your property has multiple locks and each lock has its own key, which can be inconvenient, you can rekey the locks so that they all use the same key. To match two or more locks to a single key, the locks must be of the same brand or have identical keyholes. If your key fits one lock but not another, it is because their keyholes (or “keyways”) are distinct and cannot be matched.

When is Lock Rekeying Necessary?

The two most common causes for rekeying a lock are:

YH Locksmith can help if you are satisfied with your locks but want to alter the key so that the previous key no longer works. For example:

  • You are in a difficult situation if you have moved into a new property and do not know who else has a key.
  • You have lost a spare key and are frightened that someone may discover it.
  • Want to prevent access to anyone with the key.
  • When several keys for multiple locks must match a single key. (assuming that all the locks are made by the same company or have the same keyhole)

When Should You Opt for Lock Replacement?

  • You want to change the color or style of your hair. For example, if you moved into a new property with old, rusty locks, you may prefer to replace them with ones that are more aesthetically beautiful.
  • When you wish to increase the security of your home by installing high-security or electronic locks.
  • Before you can re-key locks to a single key, you will need to alter certain locks so they are all of the same brand (or have the same sort of keyway).

In circumstances where you have installed one or more locks but no key to them, you must balance the cost of purchasing a new lock with rekeying them without a key (which involves additional labor) and determine which option is more cost-effective. Only if picking the lock or rekeying locks is more expensive than buying a new lock should you replace it.

The locksmith should be able to give you with at least a couple locks and keys when changing your locks. The majority of hardware stores offer free lock matching with each purchase.

Can you rekey locks independently?

In addition to knowledge and skill, rekeying locks requires expensive, specialized equipment. The cost of a professional pinning kit to rekey the majority of locks is roughly $250, which is much more than the price of 10 new basic locks. Keep in mind that if you attempt to modify a lock and fail, the lock will not be severely damaged, but if you attempt to rekey a lock and fail, it will nearly always be entirely destroyed.

Some modern locks can be rekeyed at home without disassembly or assistance from a locksmith. These locks are getting increasingly popular as technology progresses, yet they still have drawbacks. Therefore, if rekeying a lock is not a common occurrence, we recommend that you keep your door’s basic locks for now.

Don’t risk unauthorized entry; have YH Locksmith rekey your locks

YH Locksmith offers rekeying services in the entire city of Las Vegas. Dial (702) 840–1465 for additional information. You can rely on YH Lock & Security to provide the necessary service and technology for rekeying locks. Providing locksmith and key services of the highest caliber in Las Vegas. Contact us immediately.

