Lack of Classrooms

Alynna Marie Apolinar
2 min readFeb 25, 2019


Too many student , too few classrooms. It is the most common problem in schools especially in public schools. Overcrowded students and a lack of school rooms were the common problem here specially in the Philippines. Education means considerably more than just teaching a student to read, write, and manipulate numbers. But with lack of classrooms and other school facilities, how can we accommodate the needs of the students when even in the first place having a classroom cannot be provided by the schools? For this reason I tend to research about the lack of classrooms and its cause and effects.

Overcrowded schools are a serious problem in many schools. One of these causes of having a overcrowded schools is the lack of proper facilities specially the classrooms, where government provided classroom literally. As a researcher, I found this matter to some professional researchers that the relationship between lack of classroom and student learning has been limited, there is some evidences researchers found particularly in high poverty schools, that overcrowding can have an adverse impact on learning. Effectiveness requires minimum input . With classroom shortages , the Philippines cannot expect a good outcome from its school system. This is one of the reasons why education also suffers in terms of efficiency. Hence, much of the researchers which are already severly limited go to where these are least needed. The emphasis on the students excellence sacrifices equity. Students who need most classrooms that schools require more resources are simply neglected and ignored. The effect of having room shortages for schools, some classrooms are divided into two for they have the lack of classrooms that their schools should have been provided. This uncertain cases was observed by some professionals that the interaction between teacher and pupils was not an effective due. To a large number of pupils per class and the lack of classroom. It was observed that pupils did not get enough individual assistance from their teachers during teaching-learning process. Base on my research, some student complained that they did not get enough individual help from their teachers that effects them to lack as well the interest in their classes and also which leads them to abseenteism.

From the findings of this study, I can conclude that the lack of classrooms in over populated schools limits the quality and quantity of interactions between the teachers and students as well as on the quality of teaching and learning. The findings from the professionals also cast some doubt on the skills of the teachers in dealing with problems of their students individually. Shortages of classroom needs to be treated worthy of the attention of our government. Pointing on this situation is a problem we need to take action. They lose the chance of the students to study comfortably without distractions and hindrances. I also conclude that we may get the high quality of education if they will provide more classrooms to accommodate new students coming from other schools and as well the students that already lack their own classrooms.

