What Art is?

Alena Riakhovskaia
3 min readApr 19, 2023


When I ask myself a question of what art is, I stick to a simple definition. Art is everything. Literally. Trying to break down objects and groups of works into related to art and not related, we are getting further and further away from it. For me, the point is not to give a name to this or that phenomenon. For me, the point is to understand it, to hear the voice of the author and my own voice. Merge with the energy of the depicted, let it be inside me and highlight the hidden corners of my soul.

There is a lot of bad and a lot of good in the world, it’s true. My wording does not mean that by saying this I encourage both positive and negative in any manifestation. I’m only talking about the fact that for someone what is not art for me is the highest form of aesthetic pleasure. At least this fact for me denies any objectivity of art.

Right now I have a new definition. Art is the beauty of your soul. This beauty is possessed by every person at his birth. Sometimes, as the years go by, we bury this gift deep within ourselves under the weight of trials that we couldn’t come up with. But it is always in us, and until our last day we can return deep into ourselves and awaken this purest feeling again. This is the ability of a person to look deep into things and see the very essence. I am in favor of perceiving art by turning off all thoughts and judgments. To perceive it purely and as impartially as possible. Art is something unconditional, pure and uncompulsory. Getting acquainted with the theories of many philosophers that only a separate group of “chosen ones” is able to know art at first amuses the ego, but I do not agree with this statement.

Art is in feelings. Whether it’s an oil painting hanging in the Louvre, or a crumpled piece of paper on which a street artist has depicted the city that won his heart. To be honest, I realized that defining art does not make any sense, because art is something that only you can solve with your feelings. You can’t pronounce it, much less argue why it is art. All that is given to you is to feel goosebumps running through your body and pronounce the phrase inside yourself: “I believe”. This phrase is the main definition of art. Because your soul believes in what you see. It is unconditional and inexplicable, at the level of intuition it finds truth and value in this. And that’s the only thing that matters. After all, no one can explain what intuition is and why it guides people. Because it’s about feelings. About sacred sensations that defy words and definitions.

The Universe gave man the opportunity to exist not only materially, but also spiritually. Art is a delight for the soul and body. That is why ART MATTERS.

