Beacon Bright Integrity Agenda
Tackling Corruption in Both Parties in DC with an Independent Voice
Alaskans are proud, hard-working people. We take our challenges head-on. We’re tough — we have to be. But across Alaska, families are facing soaring prescription drug prices, a persistent opioid epidemic, crumbling infrastructure, and an economy that isn’t working for them. Too many Alaskans are fighting to keep up and make ends meet. Our institutions are being hollowed out by our state government. We are failing to invest in the next generation.
Great challenges require leaders who have the drive to make change, and the independence to act upon it. Unfortunately, the flood of unlimited money in politics has taken hold of politicians from both parties in Washington and progress seems to move further out of reach. When I talk to people across our state, they tell me that they have lost faith in our system. They feel that their voices are being drowned out by corporate special interests, and it seems that the reason their health care and prescription drug prices are so high is because politicians have been bought and sold by lobbyists and drug corporations.
The current way of doing business in Washington is not working. We can’t fix it until politicians in both parties stop listening to corporate special interests at our expense. In order to truly tackle Alaska’s most pressing problems, we must have independent solutions to crack down on corruption and get big money out of politics.
When I am making laws in Congress, I want everyone to know who I work for: the people of Alaska. That is why I have not accepted a dime of corporate PAC money and why I never will. I am proud to run a small donor, people-powered campaign. Since I launched my campaign earlier this year, 99.5% of my contributions have come from real people, with thousands of donors making contributions of $50 or below. We need leaders who are powered by the people, not special interests.
Independence and integrity are my North Star — a steady light and a beacon bright in the fight for Alaska and the people of our state. That’s why today, I am announcing my comprehensive anti-corruption agenda, a three-part plan to:
- Get Big Money out of Politics
- Hold Elected Officials Accountable to the Public
- Demand Transparency and Expose the Influence of Outside Money
The following plan aims to reform Washington, tackle corruption in both parties, and break the corrosive grip that money has on our democracy.
Get Big Money out of Politics
When Washington politicians rely on contributions from corporate PACs to fund their campaigns, they put special interests ahead of Alaskans. Instead of fighting for affordable health care and lower drug prices, our representatives are letting corporate cash drown out the voices of regular Alaskans. It’s time for Congress to act.
No Corporate PAC contributions: I am not accepting any corporate PAC contributions. When I vote on the floor of the U.S. House, you’ll know I’m voting on behalf of Alaska, not on behalf of a corporation’s bottom line.
Crack down on the influence that corporate special interests and lobbyists have in Washington and in our elections: I support legislation to close loopholes that allow paid policy advocates to avoid registering as lobbyists. We must also demand greater transparency and require additional registration and disclosure of lobbying activities.
Support a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United: This 2010 Supreme Court decision allowed corporations and wealthy individuals to spend unlimited amounts of money to buy elections and drown out the voices of everyday Alaskans. It deepened the grip that money has on our political system, and it is time to overturn it.
Hold Elected Officials Accountable to the Public
Conducting business in secret and behind closed doors only serves to protect the Washington establishment. Members of Congress should be directly accountable to their constituents. As your representative, the public has a right to know how I am doing my job.
Make my Congressional schedule public: As a member of Congress, I will publicly release an official schedule of how I am spending my time.
Hold regular town halls and coffees: I will hold regular town halls and constituent coffees so that people can voice their concerns and learn about what is happening in Washington.
Create District Advisory Boards: I will create advisory boards made up of Alaskans and subject matter experts on high priority issues, such as healthcare, economic growth, and natural resources. These groups will report to my office on issues important to Alaska, collect input, and make recommendations.
Pledge to never become a lobbyist: Too many members of Congress cash in on their connections and become a lobbyist upon retiring. I pledge to the voters of Alaska that I will never become a federal lobbyist.
Eliminate conflicts of interest: Expand conflict of interest laws so that representatives are not personally benefiting from decisions and votes that they make.
Demand Transparency and Expose the Influence of Outside Money
Alaskans deserve to know who is spending money to influence our elections. Right now, corporate special interests are allowed to spend unlimited, undisclosed money on political advertising, and pay off politicians in both parties. It’s no wonder that our economy and our health care system aren’t working for us. Politicians that oppose legislation to require transparency in our elections are merely protecting the status quo in Washington.
Strengthen disclosure of outside political spending: wealthy individuals shouldn’t be allowed to anonymously buy our elections.
- DISCLOSE Act: require donor disclosure from corporations and other organizations spending in U.S. elections.
- Honest Ads Act: require the same disclosure rules in online political advertising that already apply to TV and radio ads
Stop coordination between Super PACs and candidates: tighten rules to ensure that single-candidate Super PACs cannot act as an arm of the campaign.
Get foreign money out of U.S. elections: close loopholes that allow foreign-owned, foreign-controlled, and foreign-influenced corporations to funnel cash into U.S. elections.
So many of the challenges we face can be traced back to a lack of independent leadership caused by the influence of big money. Putting Alaska’s economy and health care system back on track starts by fixing the root of the problem, and I’m ready to get to work.