Four Common, Popular Types of Mattresses Found Online Today

Terry Holguin
2 min readMar 1, 2018

For many shoppers today, buying a mattress online has become the default option. With Internet retailers offering wide selections of mattresses at such impressively low prices, shopping has become a lot easier.

Even so, every mattress buyer does well to prepare by coming up to speed with the basics. A bit of time spent with an informative website like will normally be all that is needed to become appropriately informed.

A Variety of Basic Mattress Types to Choose From

In some respects, purchasing a mattress used to be significantly simpler. The number of models on the market has multiplied significantly in recent years, with a wider range of types also being available. The basic kinds of mattresses that most buyers today will be interested in include:

Innerspring. Formerly the standard choice for just about every buyer, innerspring mattresses still have plenty to offer. The individual coils that most innerspring mattresses incorporate help keep the motion of one sleeper from being felt by another. Innerspring mattresses can also be some of the most supportive of all, making such products especially popular choices among those with special needs or preferences.

Memory foam. Over the course of the last decade or so, mattresses based on memory foam have overtaken those utilizing the innerspring design as the most popular of all. Memory foam mattresses often provide an appealing blend of comfort, support, and value, while also holding up fairly well over the years. One downside that sometimes makes a memory foam mattress less appealing is that the material can seem overly warm to some.

Latex. Mattresses based around latex combine some of the advantages of memory foam with benefits of other kinds. For one, latex tends to feel significantly cooler than memory foam, and that alone can make a significant difference to many buyers. As those who seek out more information online will discover, though, latex also tends to be more expensive and come with other drawbacks.

Hybrid. There are also ways of combining any of these designs together into new ones. Some of the most popular new mattresses in recent years, for example, include layers of both latex and memory foam.

An Easy Way to Enable a Better Night’s Sleep

Understanding such basic distinctions will always make it much easier to choose a mattress that will suit a given person or couple especially well. Spending a bit of time reading up at a website that has plenty of this kind of information will always pay off for mattress shoppers.

