Know What You Really Are [1]

Know your limitless, complete and essential being as a field of awareness, while you can

Eric Lee
11 min readOct 25, 2023

I’ve been a member of an online Google Group of white mice (hyperintelligent, pan-dimensional beings) for over two years. I didn’t realize, until recently, that I was allowed to join the group by mistake. I know I’m not a hyperintelligent, pan-dimensional being, but I didn’t know they were white mice who didn’t know I wasn’t (text only interaction can obscure identity), and as my posts have not yet made it clear to them that I’m a mere human idiot savant, I am still a member of the group. I sometimes wonder if there are other members who are actually mere humans too.

They have recently taken an interest in KWYRA (Knowing What You Really Are) that one of the white mice recently offered on the Internet and YouTube to save humanity (white mice like challenges to challenge their brains that, viewed in full dimensionality, are about the size of a planet). The pan-dimensional being’s (aka shape-shifter’s) four videos only took four years to perfect (even a human hitting keys on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time would almost surely not be able to type the script for even the first video (see below) before the heat death of the universe.

So, because I cannot process words that keep on coming (as do the images associated with video — idiot savants have serious deficits), I first turned on the YouTube ‘Show transcript’ option and turned off the timestamps. I copied the text, but apart from a few words, none were capitalized. There was no punctuation at all, and so the transcript is one run-on sentence. Parsing into something readable would take me days (I’ve done it, and for 2:01 hours of video it would take me two to three days).

So I ran the video through Otter AI to generate a transcript as I have for other videos that require me to give a careful hearing (by rapidly and slowly reading, to not listening to the words, words, words). Otter AI does a reasonably credible job of turning run-on text into sentences and usually paragraphs. But perhaps because the words in these videos come at a remorseless pace, with no pauses, the AI can’t detect any paragraphs, and so the result was one 14,364 word run-on paragraph.

And AI makes frequent enough errors that are glaring enough that I have to correct (it’s an OCD thing, one of my numerous mental illnesses). My paragraphing and corrections fall far short of what the author could do, but he didn’t bother to upload a corrected CC for each video so Google AI didn’t have to transcribe, forcing idiots who can only parse writing at a snails pace (and without the distraction of pretty pictures) to use Otter AI to create a semblance of a transcript. Maybe the author or one of the growing number of acolytes will correct my edited Otter AI, send it to me, and then I can cut and paste in a proper transcript (and delete this sentence).

I did watch the first two videos, and after a week, tried to watch the third, but had to give up and make transcripts. I have read vast amounts of what I call “existential inquiry” literature, e.g. Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist/Zhuangzi, Ch’an, Zen, on up to 20th century Aldous Huxley (I read his The Perennial Philosophy as a teenager), J. Krishnamurti, U.G. Krishnamurti, and Zhen offerings.

As a teenager I noted that important people who gave speeches often mentioned God, someone even more important that they are, so important he doesn’t even need a last name. He was obviously well above running a mere country, couldn’t show any favoritism by deigning to live in someone’s country, so I guessed he must live on one of the islands I could see in a World Atlas, and I wondered which one (this was before the Internet, so I couldn’t ask AI).

The right thinking people often cited his book. So I read it (when other boys were reading Playboy). It took me over a year. I read 2–3 chapters every night (there are 1,189 chapters and I’m slow on the up take, but I am persistent). If someone made a Tao Te Ching video with a picture a word I couldn’t possibly watch it or get anything out of it if I did. The mere idea is dumbfounding.

I usually add comments [in brackets] to the text of others so as to sing along (even if off key). In this case I offer only the pure and (but for my failures to correct) perfect transcript. I will clearly note THE END as a warning that if any text follows, it will be my prattle that 99.999% of readers can ignore and to avoid wasting their time, should.

Before the first video, a 1:32 minute Introduction to KWYRA:

The transcript:

There were almost 8 billion people on this planet, just like you and me, and it is our thoughts and actions that create our world, but what if we were misled in such a way that our thoughts and actions lead us to build a world that doesn’t work for us?

A world where we have magical Technologies, but meeting basic needs for housing and food become ever more difficult, a world with so much more than previous generations but with so much more anxiety and depression too. A world where we are more connected than ever but more likely to feel alone, a world that creates so much fear that even the most powerful feel the need to lie and cheat all the while destroying each other and the environment we rely on.

This world seems unfixable to us as. We don’t yet see that the problem isn’t out in the world, it’s within us.

But all we have to do is return to the truth of what we really are and our world will then work for us. An extraordinary and inspiring world that begins with an extraordinary and inspiring discovery that you will never forget. Go to and find directly for yourself the truth you’ve been missing.

The first video:

You are a step away from an extraordinary life and inspiring world

The transcript:

Despite how it looks, we are a few steps away from creating a world of undreamt abundance and compassion, a world that would call each of us to achieve our most extraordinary possibilities. And live in the freedom, peace and joy of knowing our true, deepest, purest purpose.

This world can be here sooner than you can imagine. Because we don’t have to create anything new. We only need to wake up and see a vital truth that’s already here.

Because today, there is a madness that stops us seeing this vital truth, that madness that stands in the way of us coming together to create an extraordinary and inspiring world. Because it’s a madness that creates any feelings of limitation in your life.

It’s the same madness that creates increasing levels of stress, sadness, anger, and worry, right across the world. These have become so commonplace that they seem natural and inevitable. But they’re not. They are created by madness.

But because we don’t see the madness we suffer from, we try to fix our stress, sadness, anger, and worry in ways that can never work, but ways that are destroying us as individuals, as families, as communities, and even as a species. And it’s the exact same madness that compels us to recreate cycles of suffering, stupidity, and destruction where there should be, as you will soon know, freedom, wisdom, and a deep joy in living.

It’s a very specific type of madness that we suffer from. It’s the madness of thinking we are things. We are not.

Just imagine, if you had the thought that you were a horse, or a unicorn, or a pig, we would say you were mad. But we believe and live as things were not every day. But because we’re all mad, we don’t even see it. But unless we do see it very soon, we may not be around to see anything at all.

So are you mad? It’s time to check. How would you answer, ‘Who are you?’ What would be the first thing you’d say? You would probably say I am. And then provide a list similar to this: your name, your age, your job or occupation, your family roles, your nationality, and maybe your religion, if you have one.

You will say, ‘I am first’ because you believe you are these things. You’ve thought as these things, acted as these things, and lived as these things. Take a look for yourself. Think about age, and how you have lived to the expectations of different ages. The thought of what you should have done by a certain age has driven large parts of your life. When you should have had a relationship by, when you should have started a career by, when you should have started a family by.

People get stressed and even depressed when they think they may have missed the goals they think they should have achieved by a certain age, because they think they have failed. They have failed to live as what they think they are, their age.

Think about how your job shapes how you relate to the world around you, and how you behave within it. Maybe when you tell people about your job, you feel a growing sense of self as you have what you think is an impressive job. Or maybe you shrink when people ask about your job because you think your job makes you less, or maybe you don’t even have a job at all. You feel these different emotions. Because you believe your job makes you, more or less, it increases or decreases what you are. You believe you are your job.

Think about being a son, daughter, brother, sister or parent and how these family roles set how you think you should behave and how the rest of the family should think and behave towards you. Do you ever get angry with your family? Why? Because they aren’t living up to your expectations of their family role.

Maybe you also sometimes feel guilty when you think you have failed have to live up to what you think. You are your family role. Think about how many people have so believed that they are their nationality, that they have killed and died for it by the 10s of millions, good, decent people are creating horrors that they would never have considered otherwise.

And think about how believing you are a religion controls nearly every aspect of how you live, what you think is wrong or what’s right, who and what you believe, and who you see as the same as you, and who you see as different, even though God would have created us all as you can see.

These are the things you live as because you believe you are them. But are you them? Or are you making a mistake? Living as things you’re not with purposes that aren’t yours?

You can test this with very simple, irrefutable logic. If you take away an apple from an apple, what do you have left? Nothing. Because if you take away something from what it really is, you’re always left with nothing. This logic works with all kinds of fruit, vegetables, and even bigger things like steam trains, the Statue of Liberty, and the Great Wall.

So to ensure that you are living your life as what you really are, to your true purposes, you are going to apply the same simple irrefutable logic to you. You are going to take away the things you say you are, believe you are, and live as, and see if you get the big zero you should expect.

Ready? If I take away your name right now, erase every record or memory of it, so no one remembers your name, not even you remember it, do you disappear? No, you are still here. For most of history, very few people really knew how old they were as records were rare. If your birth date were lost, so you don’t know your age, and no one else knows your age, do you disappear? No, you are still here.

Where your work shuts down, and you and everyone you work with all lose your jobs, do you all disappear? No. You are all still here. You suffer a terrible tragedy and lose your entire family. You no longer have any family roles. Do you disappear? No. You are still here.

In my lifetime, countries like Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia were dissolved and disappeared. Your country is dissolved and disappears. Do you disappear? No. Of course not. You are still here. In the past religions with gods such as Jupiter, Odin and Zeus, inspired as deep a certainty and devotion as the religions of today. All those religions have disappeared. If your religion disappeared, would you disappear? No. You are still here.

You can take all the things you have lived as and believe you are away and you are still here. We don’t get the big zero we’re expecting. This can only mean you are none of these things. The things you’ve lived as and believed you are can’t be you. You’ve been living as things you’re not.

These things you have lived as our inventions. Just as a car is a mechanical invention. A phone is an electronic invention. These are organizational inventions. We invented these things to help us organize and work together to achieve things. Names, let us call each other jobs. Let us build a new skills. Countries organize groups of millions of us. And religions give us shared values so that we can belong together and help each other. But when we don’t see what we really are, and believe we are these inventions. We give our lives to serve these things that are meant to be serving us.

You’ve been living your life in the direction of things you’re not. While the life you were created for, your true purpose as what you really are, is hidden in another direction completely. Without your knowing you have been carefully placed, and then kept held on a torture rack.

Because when we’re surrounded by insanity for generation after generation, then of course, we will eventually see insanity as normal. This was set to continue our sadness, stress, worry and anger, we’re all set to continue.

But now, it can stop. Because you now know, it is insanity. Insanity, that is hiding your greatest potential and true purpose. At this moment, you can’t even imagine the potential within you, you have not come close to seeing the power that you were created with and still lives within you. But by the end of the next video, that will have changed forever. Because you will know the one most important thing, what you really are.

I recommend you find a quiet place to watch the next video undisturbed with a clear head. I’ll see you there.


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I agree (that the video is 11 minutes and 47 seconds long).

The next video in the series, Video 2: How can you know how to live if you don’t know what you really are?

View/Review all video transcripts: KWYRA.



Eric Lee

A know-nothing hu-man from the hood who just doesn't get it.