UN Climate Chief: We Have ‘Two Years to Save the World’ From Climate Crisis

The newsflash that isn’t news

Eric Lee
4 min readApr 12, 2024

Published: April 10, 2024

UNFCCC Executive Secretary Simon Stiell speaks during the Closing Plenary at the UN Climate Change Conference at Expo City Dubai in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on Dec. 13, 2023. COP28

We are running out of time to take action on climate change, says Simon Stiell, executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

In a speech titled “Two Years to Save the World,” Stiell emphasized that governments, development banks and business leaders must take steps to avert much more serious impacts of the climate crisis within that time frame, reported Reuters.

But here is what you need to know

UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, said September 10, 2018 that ‘’the World had less than 2 years to avoid runaway climate change.’’

He was wrong. We didn’t have two years to save the world in 2018. We knew enough to slam on the brakes in 1972, but we didn’t. Doing so in 2020 might have lessened the impact, but we have yet to even tap on the brakes. Now, four years later, we are told we have until 2026…. Meanwhile, the pace of planetary destruction has not slowed.

While making his It’s a Matter of Survival series in 1988 David Suzuki interviewed “more than 150 scientists and experts from around the world [who] made it clear that humans were destroying the very life-support systems of the planet on a grand scale, at an alarming rate.” Over 16,000 listeners wrote letters (pre-email) asking what they could do to turn things around before it was too late. He could only say, sorry, “I’m just the messenger,” and did, but Tara, his wife, said that wasn’t good enough, that it was time to talk about what to do. They started the David Suzuki Foundation in 1990. For decades the Foundation has endeavored away, some progress made, but — “the pace of planetary destruction has not slowed” (per email he sent on his 80th birthday, March 24, 2016).

To not know that there are no political solutions is willful ignorance at best. Meanwhile, where’s that latte I ordered? That’s what I want to know.

Note: I should take a few minutes to proofread this, but there isn’t time — I have to post the biggest newsflash of the millennium to Medium to save the world — NOW! before it is too late to join MHEM.

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For involuntary change, join MHEM. The belief that you are a free agent, with free will to choose your future (or get modern humans to choose their future), is error floating on a sea of ignorance in a thick fog of illusion.

[Note: MHEM membership excludes politicians and the recently (<1 year) politically active, including environmentalists. Otherwise, with the exception of the San, Hadza, Sandawe and Pygmy, all other humans are Modern humans, and acknowledging that such is who and what you are is the requirement for being MHEM. MHEM includes members who celebrate Modern human life and favor the extinction of all life that humans do not value (aka “Hypers”). Hyper MHEM supporters may prefer to join Hyper MHEM. A minority faction views the condition of being a Modern human the way AA members view the condition of being an alcoholic — i.e. non-viable. The author is obviously one of the “Or-nots” after breakfast who seek to “just say no” to the Anthropocene. Both arms of MHEM agree that Modern humans will go extinct — to be replaced by Hypers or Or-nots (or regionally some of each) has yet to be determined (by the nature of things).]

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We modern humans are an extinction movement (the Anthropocene mass extinction) and some view this as proof of our superiority to mere animals. To join MHEM, you don’t have to be for or against being a modern human. You have to admit that you are one.

MHEM’s Goal

Get all humans who are modern humans to acknowledge their condition.
No struggle between “for” and “against” is implied. Views of whether modernity is good or bad, vary.

1. The majority view is that modern humans can keep on keeping on getting better and better forever.

2. Some note that matter-energy flows (mass-joules) to support life as a modern humans would live it is limited to what hydroelectric dams in three regions can provide to three megacities providing 96,000 kWh/person/year.

3. Some agree that up to 50 million hyper techno-industrial humans could keep on keeping on within three megacities if all agree to a social contract that realizes a design for a viable civilization, but they seek instead a simpler way as set out by the United Federation of Watersheds (of Earth).



Eric Lee

A know-nothing hu-man from the hood who just doesn't get it.