Sneakers at its finest

2 min readFeb 15, 2016


Think about this collection being all yours.

Passion: strong and barely controllable emotion. You can find it in anything, but is all based upon you. “Reebok, baby, you need to try some new things / Have you ever had shoes without shoe strings?” Kanye West. A passion can be as simple as having a love of music, or a sport. My passion is different. My passion is sneakers.

Sneakers are the one of many things that I enjoy. Some may say I am a sneaker head, but I think not. I would like to consider my self as a sneaker collector. Sneakers make me feel so much happier. Have you ever had the worst day of your life, and you think what would make it better. My answer would be waking up to a fresh pair of sneakers.

Walking into a sneaker store, seeing the selection that the prior store may not have had. It is like putting a child in a candy store. There are so many different styles, colors, and unique ways to wear them. A shoe can express the way you are feeling at the time or even your personality. I love sneakers so much that I decided to apply for a job at Foot Locker. Where else can I express my passion and not only keep it within the confinement of my own knowledge but spread it to the world. Being able to allow someone else to see what I love so much in a sneaker is satisfaction in itself. Being a shoeologist I feel like I make a difference in the experience you have when searching for a shoe in my store. Buying sneakers may seem just a regular activity, but once you start collecting them it becomes exciting after every new pair you add to collection.

Get ready for the experience !

Sneakers are what make the world go round, especially in my world. Everyone has their preference, and their idea on what makes them look good. Working in Foot Locker has really opened my eyes to other styles that I probably would never even venture in trying, but there is always one way into my heart. Getting a fresh pair of Jordan’s on Saturday morning can brighten anyone’s day.

