Making Max Ch. 01

15 min readDec 28, 2020




His arms were the first thing I noticed when I looked up from the novel I was reading. Smooth curves of biceps stretched his light blue shirt and his large, corded forearms looked striated and powerful in the dimmed café lights. One massive hand cradled his forehead as he stared down into a textbook flung open in front of him.

I recognized him immediately. Like me, he was a regular at this coffee shop, although normally, he spent his time in one of the back booths laughing and joking with friends. There were always one or two girls angling to sit near him, though never the same ones, so I had guessed he didn’t have a girlfriend. Today though, he sat alone at a table near my spot along the window at a table only large enough for two. From the look on his face, he was in no mood for jokes.

As I admired him, he looked up and caught my gaze for a second with his ice-blue eyes. He had a defined jaw and square face that looked as rugged and solid as the rest of him. Meeting that gaze, my heart skipped a beat but I coolly nodded to him as a ‘hello.’ He nodded back, then returned his attention to his textbook.

I didn’t expect anything more. Having lived in this college town for a couple of years now, I had seen plenty of young, handsome guys, although this stud was probably the most striking.

Our acquaintance might have ended, there except that when I got up to refill my cup, he slammed shut the book, shoved it away and let out a deep groan. Introduction to Psychology the front of the textbook declared in bold lettering.

“Psychology not your thing?” I asked, stopping beside him.

“I’m gonna bomb the fucking class,” the guy said in a resonant baritone without looking up at me. “First semester and I’m gonna get an F on my first exam.”

“First semesters can be rough,” I said, trying to sound understanding. This close to him, I could smell his cologne mixed with hint of his natural musk. Keeping myself focused, I continued “Psychology can be pretty interesting though. And useful. I actually studied it in college.”

“Useful? How?” he asked, looking up at me skeptically.

“Well, for one, there’s hypnosis,” I said, casually sitting down in the chair across from him. His huge frame easily dwarfed the table and I immediately felt like I was in his space. It was good I had sat down too, because I was starting to get a tent in my slacks just talking to the guy.

“Hypnosis? That ain’t real,” he laughed. He pantomimed falling asleep and laughed again, his deep jock voice echoing through the coffee shop.

“It’s plenty real,” I told him. “I’ve seen hypnosis do many things. I’ve seen it help some people quit smoking. Others have used it to work out harder. And for some, it helps with studying…”

“Studying what?” he asked, now interested. The idea of having this guy under my hypnotic suggestion, even for a few minutes, was so hot. My pants definitely felt tight now and I felt my whole body starting to flush.

“Well for one, it can help you focus and remember things for that exam you have coming up,” I said and cocked my head at the abandoned textbook between us. The stud smirked and leaned back in his chair and stretched, letting his shirt slide up to bare just the smallest stretch of his stomach.

“Show me,” he said. “Show me it works.”

“With pleasure,” I said. “I’m Jacob by the way.”

“I’m Max,” the jock said still smirking. I would have to be able to focus if I was going to put him in trance.

“We can probably do it here — maybe at that couch?” I suggested, waving at a sofa in the back of the shop near the booths. “It works better if you can really relax.”

Max agreed, gathered his stuff and stood up. At something like 6'4", he easily towered over me, and just like with his arms, every part of his body looked completely solid. As he made his way to the sofa, I admired the way his jeans fit perfectly to his impressive rear. I was grateful he had turned his back to me so I could adjust the raging hardon in my slacks before joining.

As I sat down, my hand brushed against Max’s knee, though he didn’t seem to notice. I realized the sofa was smaller than I had thought — or Max was bigger. Either way, I was really close.

“If you’re settled, why don’t you close your eyes and start taking nice, slow breaths,” I told Max. “Let your eyes slide shut on their own.”

The stud did as he was told, taking one slow breath at a time, his massive chest expanding and falling rhythmically. I felt like I could watch him all night. His eyes fluttered shut and I could see the tension releasing from the way his huge shoulders began to loosen.

“This is so easy, right?” I said.

“So easy,” Max said, his deep voice already more relaxed.

I guided Max’s attention, focusing first on his fingers, then hands, arms, back — feeling each muscle loosen and relax. His body slackened and his head leaned back to rest against the back of the couch. I had such an urge to rest a hand on his huge thigh.

“You feel very good, don’t you,” I said.

“Feel good,” Max repeated. His voice was far away now, as though he were sleep-talking.

“As you listen to me, each exhale takes away stress and every inhale gives you more energy.

“Less stress. More energy,” Max agreed.

“It’s easy to listen to me and relax. My words are the only thing on your mind,”

“Only your words in my mind,” Max said.

“Anytime you hear me say ‘Breathe in Slowly’ you will relax and feel just like you do now. What happens when I say ‘Breathe in Slowly,’ Max?”

“I feel just like now,” he said. He was deep now. I continued walking him through more relaxation, admiring the way his body loosened. From the way he was leaning against the couch now, I could see the outline of abs under his shirt.

“I’m going to count to three and you will leave trance, Max. When you leave trance, you will tell me how you feel. Ready?”

I let him take another breath and counted.


Another breath.


Another deep breath.


For a long moment, Max didn’t move. He looked like he had fallen completely asleep. Then, his eyes flipped open, he stretched, yawned and looked around. Seeing me, he grinned.

“Wow — I feel good,” he said.

“That was your first time in hypnosis,” I told him, feeling satisfied. I still had a raging hardon but Max sure didn’t notice.

“Feels like I took a nap,” he said.

“Breathe in Slowly, Max,” I said, testing the trigger. Max froze, his eyes blank and uncomprehending. Slowly, he loosened and sank back into the sofa.

“Good boy, Max. Every time you go in trance for me, you’ll feel even more relaxed. You will feel yourself going deeper,” I said. “For tomorrow’s exam, you need to remember names and terms don’t you?”

“Yes,” he said, his voice so far away.

“Good boy. Names are going to be like pieces of gum now. They will stick to your brain. Every name, every fact is going to stick in a different place, so you can easily remember each one. It will feel so easy to remember things.”

“So easy,” Max echoed.

“Very good, Max. I will count to three and you will leave trance, feeling good. Ready to study. And remembering things will be so easy. One, two, three.”

Max blinked and sat up.

“Woah — I feel like I was talking to you and then — and… I don’t really remember but I feel really good.” Max looked confused and scratched his head, trying to think.

“So what do you think — is hypnosis the real deal?” I asked.

“Yeah,” Max said, his brows knitted. It would have been so easy to put him under again, to do more with him but I thought I should hold off. I didn’t know the guy and I didn’t want to involve myself.

“You probably have some studying to do,” I suggested. Max looked at me with a vacant look, then grinned. Man — what an amazing smile: perfect white teeth framed by generous lips. I could see why he usually had a fan club with him.

“Yeah, I do,” Max said. “Exam is tomorrow.” He grabbed his backpack and slowly stood, straightening to his full height, his legs and ass so close I could have touched them. He took a few steps towards the door, then stopped and turned to look at me again.

“Hey — if I wanted to do this hypnosis thing again, do you think that could happen?” Max asked. Guys I worked with often asked to work with me again but to hear it from Max? And so soon? My slacks began tenting just at the thought of putting him under again. Maybe somewhere more private than a coffee shop.

“It would be my pleasure,” I said, which was definitely true. “Why don’t I give you my number?”

“Oh yeah that would be great!” Max said. That sexy grin was back. He handed me his phone and I tapped in my name and contact, then handed it back.

“Thanks again, Max said, tucking the phone in his jeans and bounding out the front door of the café. Something told me I would see him again soon.

— -


I know I’m not a good student. Never have been. But studying for the psych test was so easy! After meeting Jacob at the café, everything I studied stuck with me like fucking magic. Sitting down to take the test, it was like I was a whole different person, almost. It was so easy, I was the first person in the 200-seat auditorium who finished the exam.

When I went out with the guys that night, I knocked back beer after beer, feeling so good and happy that I wouldn’t have to worry about my psych grade anymore. The next morning, my head felt fuzzy from a little hangover — nothing I hadn’t dealt with before — but what really made me feel bad was the text on my phone.

Ashleigh: Hey Max. Want to study together for the English Composition midterm we have tomorrow?

No. No, I really didn’t want to study for the comp midterm with her. Hell, I had kind of forgotten there was a miderm exam in that class at all. With an uncomfortable pit in my stomach, I paced around my room, trying to think of what I was going to do.

“Woah man — you’re going to wear a hole through the carpet,” my frat brother Eric said, walking into the suite we shared.

“I forgot I have a comp exam tomorrow!” I groaned.

“Oh damn. That one sucks,” Eric said, plopping into an armchair and shaking his head. “At least you did good on the psych test, right? Maybe you’ll get lucky again.”

“Yeah, maybe,” I said. I stopped my pacing as a thought came to me. I passed the test because that guy, Jacob, had helped me. I had his number. What if he could help me again? I scrambled around the room, looking for my phone.

“Jesus dude — you okay?” Eric asked as I pushed him off the armchair. He was shorter than me, built more like a runner or swimmer. The other guys joked that they couldn’t put anyone bigger than Eric as my roommate because I already took up all the room.

Max: hey jacob this is max i dont kno if u remember me from a couple days ago. u helped me study for my psych test. do u think u could help me study for something else?

Waiting for the reply sucked. To keep my mind off of things, I changed into a tanktop, loose short and went for a workout. I hit the weights hard, trying to keep my focus on what I was doing. The workout was easier since rugby practices were called out for midterm exams week.

Jacob: Hi Max. I would be happy to help out. I am free this evening around eight. Why don’t you come by and I’ll see what I can do.

I got excited seeing the message and told him that I would be there. Jacob sent me his address, which was on the edge of town. The rest of my workout went even better, now that I didn’t have to worry about the comp exam. When I was done lifting, my chest and arms felt on fire in the best way.

Jacob’s house was a low, ranch-style house at the end of a long driveway. I pulled my yellow mustang all the way to his garage, grabbed my backpack and jogged up to the front door. It was a pretty warm day for end of October and I figured Jacob wouldn’t mind if I wore just a tee shirt and gym shorts.

“Nice to see you, Max,” Jacob said when he answered the door. He wasn’t as tall as me but from his confidence and the way he was built, I felt like he was in control of things and knew it. Almost like a military guy, except he didn’t need to yell at anyone to get his way. I had had coaches like that in the past and really admired it. They were the people who really got you.

Inside, Jacob had me take off my Nikes, then invited me to the kitchen where a plate of fruit and cheese sat on the kitchen island.

“What can I get you to drink?” Jacob asked, opening the fridge.

“Is it going to help me study?” I asked, laughing.

“It’ll help you relax a bit,” Jacob said. I told him a beer would be fine and he brought me a cold bottle. I popped the top off without thinking about it and noticed the way that surprised him. I guess I made it look easier than most people did.

We talked a little. I told him about my rugby scholarship and how I wasn’t really sure what I was studying yet. Jacob told me he was a visiting researcher in organic and synthetic chemistry, which was really cool but way outside of what I knew. After I finished the beer, we moved to his living room where he had me lay myself on his sofa.

“Now Breathe in Slowly,” Jacob said and I could feel myself start to sink into relaxation, like I was falling asleep.


“It feels good to be in trance for me again, doesn’t it?” I asked Max.

“Feels good,” Max muttered.

Holy shit, Max looked even bigger, stretched out across my couch than he had at the café. Even wearing tight briefs and loose pants, I was nervous he might see how excited I was to see him.

“It feels good listening to me. It is easy to obey.”

“It is easy to obey,” max repeated.

“Good boy. When you talk to me, you will always call me Sir.”

“Always call you Sir,” Max agreed.

Earlier, he had told me he was on the rugby team. As I questioned him in trance, I found out he had also played football, although he hadn’t gotten a scholarship for that for some reason. In addition, while he said he had lots of friends and lived at a frat house, he didn’t have a girlfriend and actually liked spending time alone.

I guided him through exercises that made him feel better about writing. Everything he had learned in his comp class would come back to him the next time he had to write an essay. It would be easy and he would feel good with what he wrote.

“You have really been enjoying trance, haven’t you?” I asked.

“I have, Sir,” Max replied. Every time he called me Sir, my cock twitched. I could imagine by now, my briefs were getting damp from precum. How much farther did I want to push it? Max clearly thought of himself as straight. Still, if he wanted things from me, I supposed it was only fair I would get something in return.

“Every time you think about trance, you want it more?”

“I do, Sir,” Max replied, even more eagerly. Surprised, I noticed a small tent forming in Max’s shorts, which turned me on even more. Max, the huge stud, liked having someone else in control.

“Good boy. Every time you are in trance, you will enjoy it more,” I told him. “You will also feel the need to obey me even outside of trance. It will make you feel good. It will be like listening to a coach.”

“I need to obey,” Max said.

“Good boy. When you leave trance, you will realize you want to pay me back for my help. You will ask if I want help around the house.”

“I will ask if you need help around the house, Sir,” Max said.

I guided him out of trance. Max stretched and looked around.

“Woah, I must have really been relaxed,” Max said, sitting up. Without seeming shy about it, Max arranged his junk in front of me.

“I think you will be ready for that test tomorrow,” I said.

“Yeah — thanks!” Max said, grinning, happy. This was easily the most handsome man I had ever had in my living room. “Umm, I was thinking. You’ve been helping me out and I just wanna pay you back. Money feels kinda weird but maybe, if you want, I could do some chores for you or something?”

“Sure,” I said, smiling. “If you want, my backyard could use a mowing.

“No problem,” Max said. We got up and I showed him where everything was. Without prompting, he took off his shirt. I decided to try something out to see how far he was in my control.

“Hey Max, why don’t you take those shorts off? It would suck to get grass stains on them,” I suggested. For a second, Max stared at me with a vacant look and I was afraid that maybe, he wasn’t ready for something like that.

“Yeah,” he said slowly. “You’re right, Sir.” Max pulled down his gym shorts and tossed them next to his shirt. Underneath, Max wore tight, white under armour compression shorts. The spandex clung to him like a second skin and in the humid, afternoon light, it was slightly transparent in places.

It was hard not to spend the entire time staring at Max. In my briefs, my cock was as rigid as it had ever been. The man was a walking wet dream, obedient and very, very suspectable to hypnosis. Even better, he liked being controlled.

When he finished, I offered Max another beer, which he downed in what seemed like one pull, his adam’s apple bobbing as he drank. All the while, he stayed shirtless in nothing but compression shorts and sneakers.

“Thanks for helping out,” I said. “Guess you’ll head out now?” I asked.

“Yeah,” Max said. Something about the way he said it sounded disappointed.

“You had something else in mind?” I asked.

“Oh well — I guess I just like hanging out with you, Sir,” Max said. The word brought my cock back to rigid attention. Did he remember things from trance? I hadn’t even thought to ask. Was this whole thing a joke on me? I was nervous and insanely horny at the same time.

“Also — I kind of feel like studying at your house would work a lot better than on campus. I don’t know if I can focus with everyone bothering me.”

“You’re welcome to my living room if you want,” I said, surprised at his suggestion.

“Thanks!” Max said, brightening up immediately. If this was a prank, he was really committed to it. As I put away the yard equipment, Max set up in the living room. When I entered the living room, I was hit with the intoxicating mix of fresh-cut grass, the smell of masculine sweat, and the smallest hint of cologne Max had been wearing when he had gotten here.

“Hey Jacob, you said hypnosis can do a lot, right?” Max asked as he put his books back in his backpack, getting ready to leave.

“Oh yeah,” I said, putting the book I had been reading back on its shelf.

“Well… I was wondering if it could help me work out?” he asked.

“Work out?” I asked, cocking an eyebrow. Of all the people I had ever seen, Max did not look like he needed help working out.

“Yeah,” Max said. “I feel like I’ve gotten to a plateau and maybe hypnosis can, you know, push me to the next level. I get it if you’re busy though.”

“I can help with that,” I agreed.

“Cool! I have a bunch of classes and stuff for my frat tomorrow but… could I come over day after? If you have anything else I can do around the house, I can pay you back like I did today?”

“Sure thing,” I said. Max actually sounded eager!

“Thank you! I really, really appreciate it,” Max said as I led him out the front door. I watched as he climbed into his mustang and sped off. Did the stud know what he was getting into? Did I? There was only one way to find out.

Max continues to go deeper for Jacob in Chapter 2…

