Grave Encounters 2 — Review

Alyson Tait
2 min readAug 31, 2023

Grave Encounters 2 (2012)

Cast: Richard Harmon / Shawn C. Phillips / Jennica Fulton

Directors: John Poliquin

Writers: The Vicious Brothers / Stuart Ortiz / Colin Minihan

Official Genre & Subgenre: Horror / Mystery

My take: Found Footage / Horror

Synopsis: A film student who is obsessed with the movie Grave Encounters sets out with his friends to visit the psychiatric hospital depicted in the original film.

Review: It sure was a sequel.

Grave Encounters Two wasn’t bad. It followed a lot of the formulas that made the first movie successful; unfortunately, some were followed too much and too often.

It also sort of ignored a few key points that were made very important in the first one.

To me, it felt like it veered off in a new direction, but with the brand recognition of the first movie. This isn’t uncommon, I feel like it happens to all sequels/franchises eventually (Final Destination 5 ignored every rule the world had ever set forth for it, but that is the topic of another review, right? ); this one just did it a whole lot faster.

Do I think it's worth sitting and watching? Yeah.

Do I think it's worth… racing out to see? Not really. It's got some okay jump scares but falls a little short of its precursor.

Rating: 6/10

Tell me your thoughts below! Is there a movie you think I should watch? Something you think I missed?

