Are you suffering from internalized sexism, or is your significant other just a shitty person?

4 Labels she either does or doesn’t deserve

A. C. Sterling
6 min readJan 27, 2020
Photo courtesy of Caleb George, via Unsplash

To start off, I’d like to note that I am 100% a feminist. I believe that means, plain and simple, you are for equal rights among the sexes. We could get into the behavior of individuals who fall under that umbrella of feminism, but as anyone who’s ever taken an introductory philosophy course has learned, the merits or actions of someone spouting an argument do not invalidate the argument. An example: Trump and Obama can issue the same argument and it doesn’t matter which one says it. It’s either sound or unsound, regardless of how you feel about either one. In the case of feminism, just because you don’t like how certain feminists behave doesn’t mean that their message — women deserve the same rights as men — is made any less significant.

But I also believe that just because an individual belongs to a certain group that has experienced oppression in one form or another doesn’t mean that person is inherently above the rules of common decency.

When it comes to your leading lady, you might be tempted to call her one of the items below when she’s pissing you off or even if you’re just evaluating how long-term you want things to be. And while you might be a supportive…



A. C. Sterling

Represented author | Editor-in-chief | Award-winning journalist (California Newspaper Publishers Association, National Newspaper Association)